Changelogs 2006 - PhoenixInteractiveNL/emuControlCenter GitHub Wiki
Changelogs 2006
Version 0.5.899 (2006.12.31)
- ROMDB-GET now search for the selected ROM! (online website)
- rearange some widgeds on the right info pane (tabbed) ** Added DATA-View to pane ** Moved esearch to pane ** Moved romdb to pane ** Moved image-handling to pane ** Added some helptexts for images and romdb
- changed split for romdb to '.'
- updated the temp-folder create
- Added some more tooltips
- Navigation area now fixed.
Version 0.5.898 (2006.12.31)
- fixed space error - emulator could not be started if spaces in filename!
- Fixed a focus bug media-edit. Now it is possible to edit metadata.
- Added some tooltips for eccdb, navigation and main rom-view!
- Rename eccdb within ecc into eccdb_EMPTY for updates!
- Added shortcuts ** a = add new roms ** e = edit media ** b = bookmark ** x = remove from eccdb
- Implement new ini "ecc_navigation.ini" only for navigation ** This ini isnt transfered into user folder for updates! ** removed all nav-elements form ecc_general.ini
- Added ecc.ex v1.3.9.2
- Try to improved gui for Resolution 1024x768 (Open Status-Detail area)
- Added new platforms ** Thomson MO5 ** Sega Megadrive 32X (also remove 32x from genesis/megadrive config) ** Atari 400 ** Atari 800 ** Playstation 1 ** Added Wonderswan nav image
Version 0.5.897 (2006.12.29)
- Center all popup/dialog-windows
- ecc-core update (new dll fixes keystroke errors)
- Added new platforms ** sega sg1000 ** sega sc3000 ** Splitted wonderswan to b/w and color platform
Version 0.5.896 (2006.12.29) PUBLIC RELEASE
- Add new field to database :-)
Version 0.5.895 (2006.12.28)
- eccdb/add improvements ** implemented status-area update
- Fixed category dropdown bug - on change emu-config!
- Cleaned all platform configs
Version 0.5.894 (2006.12.23)
- eccdb webservice ** Post implemented! ** Button for ecc db transfer added
- Added license-notes
- Added file_id.diz
- Update some copyright notes
Version 0.5.893 (2006.12.18)
- Added new Folder "ecc-user-configs" ** This folder make it easier to update the ecc-system without overwriting ** user configurations every time *** On startup, ecc checks, if this folder is available... if not, creates it *** history.ini is autocreated in this folder (it could be deleted on errors) *** general.ini is autocreated in this folder (it could be deleted on errors) *** Every platform.ini changed by the user is auto transfered into this folder *** Backups of platform.ini are created in this folder to
- Refactored some ini functions
- Added a "unset ratings"-context menu item!
- create a deploy script for some pre-release tasks ** implemented eccCore.dat for internal configurations ** writen some trash collection functions for eg bak files
- Fixed some glitches in category dropdown... not complete fixed :-(
- Fixed wrong labels in plaform-contexe-menu
- Remove some debug-outputs!
- Add some ecc_readme.txt
Version 0.5.892 (2006.12.15)
- Bold font in search box
- Added new reset reg command for ecc.exe
- Optimized ecc-configuration area
- Temporarily removed webservices
Version 0.5.891 (2006.12.13)
- Optimized categories dropdown.
- Optimize navigation
- optimized icons
- removed some option-menu-items from top menu
Version 0.5.89 (2006.12.10)
- Implemented cursor-navigation in main treeview ** Cursor-Key left/right = prev/next page ** Cursor-Key ALT+left/right = first/last page
- Implemented icons for visibility options *** Top navigation and icons no complete connected :-) TODO! *** Implemented **** Navigation autoupdate **** Navigation hide empty **** Hide duplicate roms **** Hide images
- Fixed a little bug in eventbox for language-edit
Version 0.5.8899 (2006.12.05)
- Finaly fixed the link to the support forum :-)
- Added new TopMenu 'Startup' for ecc.exe commandline parameter ** implemented /deskicon ** implemented /starticon ** implemented /phpversion ** implemented /verify ** implemented /reset
Version 0.5.8898 (2006.12.03)
- Fixed problem, if user folder does not exists
- Fixed problem on save-image
- Added infotext to user-folder with version, platform name aso! ** create automaticly default ecc-user folder in ecc root directory!
- Media-Info ** Changes mediaedit-popup now also update media-info area direct!
- Added support button!
Version 0.5.8897 (2006.11.29)
- implemented direct editing of meta-flags like running, trainer aso.
- fixed a litte bug in the insert metadata-function
- removed direct rating in to... now build in media-info area!
- implement auto-update-ini for emuDownloadCenter
Version 0.5.8896 (2006.11.26)
- Media-Info ** added language-flags in mediainfo area! *** added edit language button, if no language selected! *** Click opens media-edit! ** First step of refactoring MediaInfo-Area and MediaEdit popup! *** Goal is direct access to change meta-data direct in MediaInfo-Area *** Added direct access eventbox to the rating * *** Plans for instant update of MediaInfo-Area! (some refactoring work :-))
- Fixed support-forum link
- Added eula (to be discussed!)
- Fixed a big bug in relative-path handeling. ** refactor methods to create relative paths
Version 0.5.8895 (2006.11.19)
- Size of navigation-pane now rezizeable.
- Freeform-Search ** Now search automaticlly updates the navigation (if autoupdate selected) ** Selection of another platform in navigation dont remove search word ** Wildcard * is allowed *** Use it like this: Year 19*0 (results in 1990, 1980, 1970 aso) ** Restructured search-area. ** Reset button now also reset rating selector ** Rating-Selector activates Search-Activestate-Button
- Search selectors ** Added status colors for selector (Blue=default, green=changed) *** Search type *** Search operator *** Rating
- Help Menu (TopNavigation) ** Added links to some urls like website and forum. ** Added Offline-Documentation link *** New folder ecc-help/ with offline documentation *** Added a documentation css style and sample-pages
Version 0.5.8894 (2006.11.15)
- Freeform-Search ** Added timeout for keystrokes for better search performace
Version 0.5.8893 (2006.11.13)
- Implemented pseudo fuzzy search ** All words are splitted at the whitespace *** Operators *** = direct search *** + AND search *** | OR search
Version 0.5.8892 (2006.11.12)
- Implemented Freeform Search selector ** No, you can also search in other fields by freeform search *** 'Name', *** 'Year', *** 'Developer', *** 'Info', *** 'Fileextension', *** 'EccIdent', *** 'CRC32 Checksum', *** 'Filename/Path',
- Implemented Rating search ** Shows all rated roms ordered by rating
- Implemented new direct media-edit bar ** Implemented direct rate
Version 0.5.8891 (2006.11.07)
- Fixed a big bug in parsing roms.
Version 0.5.889 (2006.11.05)
- Implemented functions for context menue and top menu ** Menu Shell operations *** Implement rename file at harddisk + automatic update of paths in eccdb *** Implement copy file at harddisk + db update *** Implement remove file from harddisk + dbupdate ** Reparse ROM-Directory *** Direct parse the folder of the selected rom. (if your folder has updated!)
- Fixed a bug in parser... ** if you change the platform while paring, it shows the wrong pf in popups :-)
Version 0.5.888 (2006.10.29)
- Context menu update ** Optimized structure of context menues ** Fixed problem while opening context menu ** Added rating submenu *** Shows ratings in cell and mediainfo *** Added a new image to show rating in cellview ** Added shell operations submenu *** Implemented browse rom folder
- Added some new categories
- implemented a new class to handle comboboxes
- Designed/Added a new splashscreen and in program teaser image ** new "emuControlCenter - explore your ROMS faster" :-)
- Added latest version of ecc.exe (1.30) ** added a hint to get eccLive (thanks to phoenix!)
- Wrote down tonns of todos and new features, i miss at this point. ** Research in other tools for interesting features :-) ** Found many but also found, that ecc will be a cool tool :-)
Version 0.5.8879 (2006.10.24)
- Updated ecc to PHP 5.1.4
Version 0.5.8878 (2006.10.23)
- Added 512MB RAM to my computer.... ecc runs now faster :-) (768 MB)
- Not found base_path for ecc-user will set to default folder (../ecc-user/)
- implemented 'maintenance'->'Reset ecc history' to reset the history file!
- Removed the auto ecc-splashscreen on startup, if ecc history is reseted!
- Adding experimental flag exportType to ecc_general.ini ** ECC will export datfiles with extension .ecc in datfile style ** CSV will export commaseperated files for excel/openoffice *** No import for ecc csv files implemented yet :-)
- fixed bug in create user folder
- Added new extensions to some platforms
- Added new platform "commodore vic20" (by phoenix)
- Updated images for platform "commodore c64" (by phoenix)
- Added msx nav image! (by phoenix)
Version 0.5.8877 (2006.10.16)
- finalize a extension in "add new roms" in "all found" autoupdates navigation
- Extended "organize roms" -> now uses names from metadata for orga.
- dispatcher now default off ** could be enabled [USER_SWITCHES] useExtensionDispatcher = 1
- Double fileextensions are handled be confirm-popups!
- Larger process status area
- create buggy :-( FileParserGen for genesis roms (only to validate!)
Version 0.5.8875 (2006.10.11)
- Build in fileextension to fileparser dispatcher ** dispatcher get data from header to get the right parser for rom ** Only cDispatchBin/cValidatorGen implemented this time *** not really good implemented header check :-) (i will check phoenix infos) *** If not valid bin for gen, print out cmd debug info and dont parse rom! *** Better implementation in 888 ;-)
Version 0.5.887 (2006.10.08)
- Parsing: Build in extension for many platform problem finder! :-) ** Added info-popup and exclude direct at #all found ** Ask for every dup extensions for Platform parse! *** Added platform names for better overview!
- Added missing image for msx
- removed some debug output :-)
- Added [EXPERIMENTAL] section to ecc_general.ini ** Added switch to use standard win filssystem dialogs ** This mode cant remember the last selected folder/file from histroy :-( ** win32Dialogs = [0|1]
- Added latest version of ecc.exe 1.12 (by phoenix)
- Set main window title to "emuControlCenter"
- fixed a BIG bug in show unsaved images. Now search also in emu/screenshots
- fixed bug "rebuild_user_folder" in ecc config.
- fixed bug in "Configuration" i18n-language dropdown!
- fixed missing lang "parse_rom_detail_headers"
Version 0.5.886 (2006.10.03)
- Refactoring ** Start media / os detection ** glade constructor
- Menu->options: Radios for select view-mode in romlist (Default 1) ** 1. Show all Roms ** 2. Show all available metadata ** 3. Show only roms without metadata
- Added new Platforms ** MSX (by phoenix) ** Colorgenie (by phoenix)
Version 0.5.885 (2006.10.01)
- Menu options -> show only roms with metadata ** better overview of missing metadata
- Added show_media_pp to ecc_general.ini to change the "media per page" value
- refactoring release ** Added new Singleton FACTORY and refactor manager-names ** cleanup manager-folder
- I18N ** Language dropdowns translatable
- Removed save to history.ini for "show only avalable roms"
- Listviews Roms/Platform ** add background color ** add hilight color
- Added experimental and buggy "fast_list_refresh" to ecc_general.ini
- Added experimental webservice for meta/get meta/send (not really working :-))
Version 0.5.884 (2006.09.27)
- Added color-swap tho the navigation and main list
- escape & under dos (^&)
- Added window title status "emuControlCenter vX.X build XXX (state)"
- new startup bat ** ecc.bat ** ecc-dev.bat (shows debug output)
- fixed translation in context menu
- Remove save to history for hide images
Version 0.5.883 (2006.09.25)
- Platform category could be configured in frontend!
- New Platforms added (by phoenix) ** Coleco Vision ** GCE Vectrex ** Mattel Intellivision
- Added new version of platform/media images (by phoenix)
Version 0.5.882 (2006.09.24)
- Add Platform category dropdown. ** Categories could be assigned free in ecc_platform_xxx.ini ** e.g. category = Console ** Shows only Platforms for the selected Category
- Imagepopup ** remove images in contex-menu
Version 0.5.881 (2006.09.18)
- imagepopup ** added imageselect by preview image in scrollable area! :) Cool! :-)
Version 0.5.880 (2006.09.17)
- fixed bug in saved image handling. (<0.5.88 could not find saved images)
- Preview image clickable. Opens Imagepopup.
- Mediaedit-popup ** Mot longer modal... you can get the next rom to edit from the romlist. ** Added Filename/Packed Filename to popup!
- Imagepopup ** Popup now has autofocus. A click to the romlist updates the images in popup! ** Added Imageposition label ** Buttons a now only sensitive if needed ** Imagepopup now direct show selected image (position)!
- "Show all images" added to contextmenu ROMS
- Platform navigation scrollbars added
- i18n internationalization ** ecc-config dropdown for changing languages ** i18n parser statusarea
- Platform images / emuControlCenter-Logo clickable
Version 0.5.879 (2006.09.13)
- Added gif support
- saving title screens as ecc_crc32_ingame_title.ext
- first version of image-popup for full images.
Version 0.5.878 (2006.09.11)
- fixed bugs: ** problem with escaped string in getEightDotThreePath() ** writing NULL into db if a ecc-datfile is imported!
Version 0.5.865/0.5.866/0.5.877 (2006.09.10)
- ecc-configuration added ** Set your user folder *** create, if not exists *** create all ecc-system-subfolders in user-folder ** Activate/Deactivate Platforms from gui ** Set your datfile-author informations (header for your exports!)
- i18n Internationalization/Translation ** ecc_general.ini flag language = de ** Location ecc-system/i18n/language/i18n_popups.php (lang=language 2chars eg. de,en,nl) ** I step one, all dialogs and context-menues are translatable. *** Done: Context menu Platformnavigation *** Done: Context menu Romlist *** Done: All Confirm/Info/File-Pathchooser-Dialogs! ** In step to, all Strings (also glade strings) are translatable via gettext!
- Start Media: add error-popup if emu is missing or wrong!
- navigation now is automaticlly sorted
- Added more image-slots for coverart and booklets
- Added support for Atari Jaguar. [by phoenix]
- Fix a bug in media-edit.
- set eccident for jaguar=jag, supervision=svn
- Added shortcuts for options and rom-actions (see main menu)
- Optimized platform navigation contextMenu
- media-info ** added archive - If rom is packed, the path of the packed file is shown. ** added location - path to the rom-/packed-file
- Added 8.3 Filename-Support for Watara-Supervision emulator
- Emus without commandline-support could be used using the RomRunner-PT [phoenix]
Version 0.5.085 (2006.08.24) RELEASE TO FIRST BETA-TESTER
- Save last selected platform to history
- Reorganize Roms by categories implemented
- MenuBar ** All options organized in top menubar
- Maintenance ** Remove duplicate roms from db implemented ** DB Vacuum -> Vacuum sqlite database ** ecc-userfolder and subfolder *** ecc creates folders automaticly on demand *** ecc also create missing user-folder *** subfolder could be configured in ecc_general.ini
- Absolute/Relative path convertion ** ecc create relative paths, if data is within the root dir of ecc *** emulators *** roms/media ** reorganize also creates relative paths, if possible
- ImageProcessing ** jpeg-compression could be configuredin ecc_general.ini
- File-Filter (File-Dialogs) ** Filefilter for Romcenter Datfiles (.dat) ** Filefilter for emuControlCenter Datfiles (.ecc)
- Spellcheck ;-)
- Tooltips wordings fixed :-)
- Images ** More ingame screenshots possible *** ingame_start = startscreen of a game *** ingame_play_1 = first ingame playing screenshot *** ingame_play_2 = second ingame playing screenshot *** ingame_play_3 = third ingame playing screenshot
- Added platform "Watara Supervision" [by phoenix]
Version 0.5.08 (2006.07.25)
** implemented Import of emuControlCenter- and Romcenter-Datfiles *** support for importing Romcenter-Datfiles **** Support 2.00/2.50 Dats with assigned fileextensions. **** Dats without fileextensions couldn?t supported by ecc :-( **** Dat-Stripper for Romcenter-Dats implemented ***** Clean up names from data like (PD) and [T-*] ***** Auto-Fill ecc?s extended meta-informations from stripped data ****** Languages ****** Freeware/PD ****** Year ****** Running (gooddump) ***** All stripped data is collected to field info in database! ***** Regular expressions could be configured in conf/ecc_dat_stripper.php ***** Dat-Stripper could be deactivated in conf/ecc_general.ini ** datfile-export *** eSearch-Export *** now you can use the eSearch-options to limit your export-data! *** meta-informations like languages, status could be removed from database *** data could be automaticlly backuped by ecc ** implemented edit platform.ini *** Edit title for navigation now possible in gui *** Edit paths and assign emulator now possible in gui ** implemented new tab platform informations in main-view *** Show some facts about the platform like name, manufacurer, history, links *** own ini-file (infos/ecc_platform_a2600_info.ini) *** maybe used for categories like in MESS (show only platforms by atari) ** implemented Active [AUTOUPDATE|NORMAL] Navigation *** navigation will only show the real result-counts of a search *** combination with "Active [HIDE|SHOW] platforms w/o media" possible! ** implemented Active [HIDE|SHOW] platforms w/o media. ** clear dat database added ** optimized "optimize languages", now using multi-deletes ** added platforms ** Optimize null-data ordering, if there are no meta-infos for a file! ** Changed database *** filedata = fdata *** metadata = mdata *** metadata_languages = mdata_languages *** Atari 2600 *** Atari 5200 *** Atari 7800
Version 0.5.07 (2006.07.16)
** Status area *** progressbar *** show status of export, import and parsing *** could be hidden *** processes could be cancled ** Extended Search *** result could be set to option = *|no|no+?|yes|yes+?|? *** is saved to ecc_histroy.ini *** could be hidden ** Image-Processing *** New image-system improves the speed of ecc *** select start/running ingame-shots in main-view from dropdown *** show only saved or only unsaved images ** Add Platform-Nav context menu ** Inline-Help system restructured!
Version 0.5.06 (2006.07.10)
** Add Media-History-Button *** Shows all Media, you?ve started in the last time. *** Ordered by last launchtime! *** Count editeable in ecc.ini ([USER_SWITCHES] media_history = 50) ** Image Toggle *** Now you can toggle images on/off. (saved to history.ini) ** Cellview *** Platform-Ident image added for better overview in all-mode. *** Add more important infos from ecc-dat to cell ** Media-Edit *** Now, edit Meta-Data is allowed from Bookmarks and History *** Now, a media could be started from media-edit window *** New Comboboxes for all options *** category has now a multi-wrap-dropdown *** languages-edit added ** Add Languages *** Add Lanugage-Search **** Now you can search for media in specified language *** Add Languages-Edit **** Languages could be added in media-edit popup **** languages will shown in cellview and media-info **** languages are exported and imported pipe-seperated ***** e.g. d64;Bubble Bobble;.d64;8727EFCD;1;0;8;1;0;0;2;0;1987;0;2;E|F|S;;;;;;# ***** e.g. English, French, Spanish ** New Languages *** Based on data extracted form datfiles :-) ** New Categories *** based on statistics "Genre Stats" of GBA-Lister *** ** Gui *** Some improvements. *** new background-color :-) *** New navigation-images. *** New images for plattform infos ** New Function for dropdowns. *** now all dropdowns are created on the fly. *** IndexedCombobox create simple or not so simple (image/wrapped) dropdowns. ** Add confirm-popup for "remove from ecc-db" ** DEVEL-Dat-Importer *** function to get informations from dat to fill extended ecc-dat-dat **** languages **** pd / freeware (PD) **** Translations (T+) (T-) *** concat dat-information strings for more predefined meta-informations. ** Add Splash-Screen at startup *** only shown first time, you open ecc (saved to history.ini)
Version 0.5.05 (2006.07.04)
** new user-folder structure *** now relative and absolut path could be set in ecc.ini *** now every media have his own folder with subfolders eg. images and export **** better structure for sharing the media-data with other ecc user **** first step for a planned user-folder to zip backup. *** refactoring image function **** save images now use new user-folder structure **** fixed little bug in save image that overwrites "image 001" sometimes. :-) ** DatfileExport *** insert credits from ecc.ini (author, web, email, comment) *** save export now use new user-folder structure
Version 0.5.04 (2006.07.03)
** ini-manager *** complete refactored *** save user-selections for the next ecc-session to history.ini **** navigation: save last selected plattform **** parser: save last parsed folder **** importer: save last selected eccDatFile ** Import / Export *** optimize import. Now direct export from query without data-array ** sql *** optimize queries *** type-hinting and escaping. ** media-edit win *** ; in user-input not allowed. Reason Import/Export and File-Rename-Option ** parser popup *** file_lister shows found (unpacked and packed) by extension *** parser shows new and changed media ** Internal windows *** media-edit popup changed to splash-screen mode *** parser popup changed to splash-screen mode ** temp. removed md5 support. ecc dont need md5 by now :-)
Version 0.5.03 (2006.07.01)
** eccini: refactored *** [NAVIGATION] now creates the main-navigation of ecc *** comments add for all sections *** add new extensions to [FILE_PARSER] section *** add "all found" to navigation. ** DatfileImport: *** ecc-datFile import implemented *** datFileImporter.php for romCenter imports. (DEVEL) **** refreshed all mdata_ext_game fileinformations ** MediaMaintenance: *** "all found" clear/optimize now have impact for all records. *** function optimize db also optimize bookmarks *** function clear db also optimize bookmarks ** internal refactoring manager
Version 0.5.02 (2006.06.20)
** MediaMaintenance *** add function optimize db *** add function clear db ** MediaEdit *** add usk (altersfreigabe) *** add multiplayer *** add netplay ** ContextMenu *** item remove from eccdb
Version 0.5.01 (2006.05.18)
- initial release