RTS Format - PhilipPragerUrbina/DOGERAY GitHub Wiki

How The RTS format Works

(This part of the documentation is a bit messy. I apologize in advance. just use the blender plugin)

A Scene is stored in an rts (ray traced scene) file.

Every line is an object Every attribute is separated by comma(no spaces)

Use a slash to comment eg: /hello

Put settings with *

settings format: *,camx,camy,camz,apeture, looktargetx,looktargety,looktargetz,focus distance, fov, max depth, samples per frame, background intensity,background texture,screen width, screen height

The first few attributes look like this: posx,posy,posz,type,r,g,b,extra,lam,dimx,dimy,dimz,mat

Use r instead of number for random number between 0 and 1

First three are position: eg: 0,0,-1

Then there is object type. 0=sphere 2=tri

The next three are rgb values for the materials. should be 0-1 but you can go above for lights

Next is an extra value. 0-1. Is for fuzziness when using metal and for refraction index when using glass. Next is lambert. 0 for no 1 for yes. only for diffuse mats.

Next three are dimensions.

Dimx is used for sphere size

Lastly specify what material you want. 0=diffuse 1=light 2=chrome 3=metal 4=glass

The next things are for triangles only. They are the main kind of object used.

position becomes vertex 1. dimensions become vertex2. the x,y,z for vertex 3 comes after the matirial.

Then come face normals, 3 vertex normals, 3 text coords, is smooth(0 or 1), is debug checker texure(0 or 1), color texture name("no" if none),roughness texture name("no" if none).

each Normal and tex coord are in x,y,z

your done now load up the program and it should work