CheckButton & CheckContent - Phenek/Global.InputForms GitHub Wiki

Icheckable: CheckButton & CheckContent

Property Description
Index The Index property
Checked The Checked property
Key Gets the key in the key/value pair. (Needed for grouped Icheckable)
Value Gets the value in the key/value pair. (Needed for displaying text)
Item Gets the key/value pair.
CheckedChanged Event Occurs when the control is Checked property changed.
Clicked Event Occurs when the control is clicked.
DisableCheckOnClick The DisableCheckOnClick property


CheckContent are hightlty customisable and inherite from Icheckable interface!

Property Description
IconPosition The Icon left or right position (default left).
IconSize The Icon Size (default 20)
CheckType The Check Type [Check,Cross,star,Fill,Image,Custom] (default none, have to be set)
CheckedLabel The Custom Checked charactere inside the box ("✓", "#", "@") for custom type only.
UnCheckedLabel The Custom Unchecked charactere inside the box ("✓", "#", "@") custom type only.
++CheckLabel Properties CheckLabelFontFamily, CheckLabelFontSize, CheckLabelFontAttributes etc..
ImageChecked The Checked Image for image type only.
ImageUnchecked The Unchecked Image for image type only.
++image Properties ImageAspect, ImageIsOpaque etc..
CornerRadius The Icon corner radius
Color The Unchecked color charactere
BackgroundColor The Unchecked background color of the icon
BorderColor The Unchecked BorderColor of the icon
CheckedColor The checked color charactere
CheckedBackgroundColor The checked background color of the icon
CheckedBorderColor The Unchecked BorderColor of the icon
Text The label text


        <StackLayout >
                <global:CheckContent Checked="true" Text="Check it!"
                    CheckType="Check" IconSize="20"
                    CheckedColor="Teal" />


CheckButon is a button and inherite from Icheckable interface!

Property Description
Color The unchecked color charactere
BackgroundColor The unchecked background color of the icon
BorderColor The unchecked BorderColor of the icon
CheckedColor The checked color charactere
CheckedBackgroundColor The checked background color of the icon
CheckedBorderColor The checked BorderColor of the icon
CornerRadius The Icon corner radius
Text The button text
++button Properties Height, Width, Command, etc..


<StackLayout >
    <global:CheckButton Text="Hop!"
            WidthRequest="70" HeightRequest="30" CornerRadius="15" FontSize="12"
            CheckedTextColor="White" />
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️