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KU Polls project documentation

KU Polls Project documents.

  • Vision Statement: Outlines the project's overall vision, goals, and scope, providing a clear direction for the development of KU Polls.
  • Requirements: A detailed list of functional and non-functional requirements that define what the KU Polls application should do and how it should perform.
  • Project Plan: Describes the development process, timeline, and key milestones, guiding the implementation of the KU Polls project through its iterations.
  • Domain models: A visual representation of the data structure within the KU Polls application, detailing relationships between entities such as polls, questions, choices, and votes.

Project Iterations

  • Iteration 1 Plan: Focused on setting up the initial structure of the KU Polls application, including creating basic models, views, and templates for managing polls and votes.
  • Iteration 2 Plan: Aimed at enhancing the application by adding an end date for polls, improving navigation, externalizing configuration for better security, and automating testing processes.
  • Iteration 3 Plan: Focuses on securing the application by requiring users to authenticate before voting, ensuring that only one vote per poll is allowed for each user, and allowing users to change their votes.
  • Iteration 4 Plan: focuses on finalizing the KU Polls app for release by refining functionality, automating tests with GitHub Actions, and improving documentation. The goal is to ensure the app is easy to install and ready for peer review.