hb_W - Petewg/harbour-core GitHub Wiki


hb_WAEval(<pBlock>) ➜ NIL

This function evaluates a given <pBlock> code-block in each used work area (in other words, the given code-block is evaluated iteratively , against all opened work areas). If <pBlock> return .F. (FALSE), the iteration is interrupted otherwise the evaluation continues until all work areas been processed. (source-code)

hb_Week( <dDate>, [@<nYear>], [@<nDayOfWeek>] ) ➜ nWeek

Returns the week number of year, for the given <dDate>. Worth to note that the returned value is ISO 8601 compliant.
With this function can also obtained the year and/or the day-number of the week, into <nYear> and <nDayOfWeek> optional parameters, provided they've been passed by reference. (source-code)
WARNING! 1st day of the week according to ISO 8601 is Monday (and not Sunday, as it's widely regarded to be). This may lead to inaccurate/confusing results when the number returned into <nDayOfWeek> is being used as an argument on calling non-ISO 8601-conforming date functions like, for example, hb_CDay(). In such cases, either use Dow() to determine the day number of the week or alternatively increment by 1 the <nDayOfWeek> value or pre-increment it with ++ operator, i.e.: hb_CDay( ++nDayOfWeek ).
Note: this is a new function available after 2017-02-08 19:36 UTC+0100 commit by Przemyslaw Czerpak*

hb_WildMatch( <cPattern>, <cValue> [, <lExact>] ) ➜ lMatch

compares <cValue> with <cPattern> which may contain wildcard characters (?*).
When optional parameter <lExact> is TRUE, then it will check if whole <cValue> is covered by <cPattern> else it will check if <cPattern> is a prefix of <cValue>. If the cPattern is an empty string, function returns .T. (source-code)

hb_WildMatchI(<cPattern>, <cValue>) ➜ lMatch

similar to above 'hb_WildMatch()' but case insensitive. (source-code)

NOTE: If you're looking for hb_wapi...*() and hb_win...*() functions family, see APIs - HBWIN


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