Learning C - Petewg/harbour-core GitHub Wiki

Learn C

[being a Harbour programmer, the next stop (and a great favour you might want do to yourself) is to learn C language, if not already have done that. In fact, there are good reasons why you have to do it.] [*]

C-source code snipets etc.


C-pointers. The great hassle (🚵...while trying to "ride the bicycle!") 😈

Miscellaneous (likely interesting) articles about C-language

[«... intuitively speaking, C might be regarded as being for the programming languages, exactly what the ancient Greek is for most western human languages: constantly influencing, while vigorously concise and rigorously severe; a diachronic, almost atavistic point of reference, each one in their own area.
C is the constitutional "back panel" in the software evolution, indeed »

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