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  • CDoW( <dDate> ) cDayName
    returns the name of a week day from a date. If <dDate> is an empty date, the function returns a null string ("").

  • Chr( <nAsciiCode> ) cChar
    returns a single character that has the numeric ASCII code <nAsciiCode>.

  • CMonth( <dDate> ) cMonth
    returns the name of a month from a date. If <dDate> is an empty date, the function returns a null string ("").

  • Col() nCol
    returns an integer numeric value in the range 0 to Maxcol(), representing the current column position of the cursor.

  • ColorSelect( <nColorIndex> ) NIL
    Selects the given <nColorIndex> color pair (foreground/background) from the current list of color attributes, as it's been set by a SETCOLOR("...") or by default. Result is that any subsequent screen-output created by a ? or SAY commands will be displayed with the selected color pair.
    Constants for <nColorIndex> are defined into Color.ch as follow:

    Constant Value

    The ColorSelect() function is similar (yet more powerful) to the functions Enhanced(), Standard(), Unselected() included in the HBCT library. Notable difference is that the later ones return a null string while this one returns NIL.

  • CtoD( <cDateString> ) dDate
    converts a character string into a Date value. If <cDateString> is not a valid date string or is empty, an empty date is returned.
    NOTE: The result is affected by the current SET DATE/SET DATE FORMAT and SET EPOCH settings, which may lead to unexpected/incorrect results. For conversions between DATE to CHARACTER and vice-versa, use DtoS()/StoD() that are independent of those settings.

  • CToDoW( <cName> ) nOrdinal
    converts name of day of the week to its ordinal number.

  • CToMonth( <cName> ) nOrdinal
    converts name of month to its ordinal number.

  • CurDir( [<cDrive>] ) cDirectory
    returns the name of the current directory of a drive. If the drive <cDrive> does not exist or the root directory is current, CurDir() returns a null string ("").

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