Crosswalk 8 Release Notes - PeterWangIntel/crosswalk-website GitHub Wiki
Crosswalk Beta
New Features
Rebased to [Chromium 37.0.2062.20] ( which brings:
- <dialog> element
- CSS Shapes Module Level 1
- Navigator.hardwareConcurrency
- NavigatorLanguage: navigator.languages and languagechange event
- Subpixels font scaling
- [Web Crypto API] (
Initial support of
- Support for Copy/Paste
- [W3C Gamepad API] ( (on devices that support it in the MotionEvent API - so far tested on Nexus 7 and Nexus 5 with Android 4.4.2)
- Pluggable extensions for embedded Crosswalk
- [Embedding API v2.1] (
- ~30% performance improvement when transferring large blocks of data with extensions
Notable bug fixes
- [XWALK-1037] - Open web pages in default browser instead of in-app browsing
- [XWALK-1348] - Fail to get correct value of “client.statusText” when running “WebAPI/xmlhttprequest” on Android OS
- [XWALK-1408] - Resource timing data contains negative values when running “Use Case/ResourceTiming” on Android OS
- [XWALK-1833] - [REG]Crosswalk crashed when running “WebAPI/getUserMedia” component on Android OS
- [XWALK-1931] - [REG] Webapp 100% crashes on Android Crosswalk if no SD card on test device
- [XWALK-1952] - Native filesystem API initialize crash for cordova
- [XWALK-1970] - XWalkView shows a white background momentarily as the app starts and stops from the task switcher
- [XWALK-2010] - Hook the native destroying into GC
- [XWALK-2053] - "version" field in manifest should not be mandatory and should be renamed to "xwalk_version"
- [XWALK-2059] - The scroll experience is poor when scrolling a rich and long page
- [XWALK-2135] - [Android] make apk doesn't take alias password as argument
- [XWALK-2292] - App goes into full screen mode after switching from Android task manager