Crosswalk 7 Release Notes - PeterWangIntel/crosswalk-website GitHub Wiki
Crosswalk Beta
New Features
- Rebased to [Chromium 36.0.1985.18] ( which brings:
- CSS touch-action
- CSS will-change
- HTML imports
- Object.observe()
- Unprefixed CSS Transforms
- Web Animations JavaScript API [element.animate()]
- Enabled Native Client (NaCL) on Tizen and Linux for 32 and 64-bit
- Capability to access file system directly on Android and Tizen/Linux
- Support for Cordova 3.5.0
- API for In-App Purchases
- Ability to open a file with third party app based on the MIME type
- Only letters, digits, " " and "_" are allowed for the application's name in the manifest
- Use TextureView and SurfaceView for embedding API
Notable bug fixes
- [XWALK-978] - Pixel game got blurred on crosswalk
- [XWALK-1207], [XWALK-1209] - Exception thrown when minifying CSS and JS files packer tool minify css files with compressor option
- [XWALK-1245] - Font rendering is weird in Crosswalk 5
- [XWALK-1367] - Unable to launch application in fullscreen mode
- [XWALK-1466] - make_apk_test fails when out/ has both ARM and x86 builds
- [XWALK-1476] - Crosswalk crashes if the application name has a space in it
- [XWALK-1538] - Power consumption of HTML5 video has increased ~14% on Android/Geek
- [XWALK-1608] - Can not re-enter fullscreen mode again when playing embeded video
- [XWALK-1616] - Launching Crosswalk-Cordova ARM app on IA device doesn't report Architecture mismatch error
- [XWALK-1618] - Apk will crash when set ‘undefined’ arch option
- [XWALK-1623] - Launch screen display is delayed in Crosswalk 6
- [XWALK-1627] - Javascript's native confirm box locks the app
- [XWALK-1633] - Always get IntentReceiverLeaked message when exiting app using Presentation API
- [XWALK-1635] - White screen displayed when no 'image' provided in Launch Screen
- [XWALK-1639] - XWalk will crash when exit.
- [XWALK-1653] - Timer can not resumed when resuming back
- [XWALK-1695] - onRsourceLoadStarted callback must be posted to UI thread to run
- [XWALK-1702] - Blank browser after loading URL until it is resized
- [XWALK-1711] - "space" in application name is replaced with "underscore"
- [XWALK-1713] - Python 3 deprecated sys.maxint
- [XWALK-1760] - Get a half black and white screen before going to the game when loading the splashscreen
- [XWALK-1780] - onPageStarted will be fired when iframe URL changes.
- [XWALK-1815] - XWalkView evaluateJavascript API should allow null resultCallback to align with Android WebView
- [XWALK-1859] - Crosswalk Cordova should allow universal access from file URLs for Android 4.0.x
- [XWALK-1863] - Start app and quickly press back button, the app will crash
- [XWALK-1882] - XWalkViewClient.onPageStarted not being called
- [XWALK-1908] - Cache mode does not work.
- [XWALK-1963] - Webapp 100% crashes on Android Crosswalk if no SD card on test device
Release notes in Jira