Crosswalk 5 release notes - PeterWangIntel/crosswalk-website GitHub Wiki
Crosswalk (Stable)
##New Features
- Use SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) in JavaScript with the [SIMD4JS API] ( (Note: SIMD operations are only accelerated on x86 architecture at present)
- Support for declaring a default [Content Security Policy] ( in the manifest file
- New download folder and package structure to support multiple architectures in one packaging tool
- New --compressor option in make_apk to minify web app resources (JS, CSS) during packaging
- Rebased to Chromium 34, which brings:
- Unprefixed Web Audio support
- Responsive images
- [Vibration API] (
- Android 4.4+ now uses Immersive Mode when in fullscreen
- Integration with system notifications
- Initial support for declaring a launch screen in the manifest file
- New downloadable archive containing all the tools needed to package Cordova applications with Crosswalk (see the documentation)
##Notable Bugs Fixed
- Failed to get correct result of "background-position" when running tct-backgrounds-css3-tests on Android OS [XWALK-470]
- setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled API missing in XWalk [XWALK-753]
- packaging tool does not work with minimal manifest [XWALK-909]
- --enable-remote-debugging not working [XWALK-933]
- Crosswalk doesn't honor Chrome GPU blacklist [XWALK-934]
- window.close doesn't work on Android OS [XWALK-939]
- Unable to get the "messaging" permission on Android OS [XWALK-940]
- Volume is too low when playing audio via WebAudio API [XWALK-980]
- XWalkView shouldInterceptRequest never called [XWALK-996]
- Remote debugging not enabled for debug build of Crosswalk Cordova application [XWALK-1039]
- Capture API test in cordova_mob_spec crashes after recording the audio [XWALK-1116]
##Known issues
- Music does not seamlessly loop [XWALK-1125]
- Setting gain to 0 does not mute [XWALK-1126]
- Web app cannot detect the right motion when device orientation change [XWALK-1264]
- Full screen immersive mode doesn't work by swiping up from bottom [XWALK-1200]
- Fail to get correct value of CSS3 multicolumn column-rule-width [XWALK-1093]
- W3C Notification onclick event callback is not working on Cordova packaged app [XWALK-1080]
- Can't save content to a file by using W3C file API [XWALK-1079]