Chromium Checkout - PeterWangIntel/crosswalk-website GitHub Wiki


git clone
add to PATH
mkdir blink; cd blink
fetch blink --nosvn=True
sudo src/build/

Note: --nosvn option of fetch is for non-chromium committers.


gclient sync

gclient also creates the build files, so for using Ninja (you should) to the following and rerun:

export GYP_GENERATORS='ninja'
gclient sync


ninja -C out/[type] -j [cores] -l 20 [target]

where [type] is "Release" or "Debug" [cores] the number of cores you like to build with [target] the target, i.e. content_shell, DumpRenderTree or "chrome" or all_webkit. To build all of Blink and the DumpRenderTree use the following:

ninja -C out/[type] -j [cores] -l 20 all_webkit DumpRenderTree

To recreate build files without refetching

gclient runhooks
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️