#Edit a file named 'xwview-shell-command-line' with content:
Xwalk --wait-for-debugger
#Then push it to device
adb push xwview-shell-command-line /data/local/tmp/xwview-shell-command-line
#Then launch the application and use adb_gdb_xwalk_core_shell to debug
Debug Java code with Eclipse
Import the project into Eclipse workspace:
New -> Android -> Android Project from Existing Code -> point to XwalkCore project root(src/xwalk/runtime/android/core_shell)
Add third party dependencies to project
add Java code of xwalk, base, content, ui... to project
Launch application to debug, you can use command line to control debug the startup
#In xwview-shell-command-line, write content as follow and push it to device
XWalk --wait-for-java-debugger
Enable Event Tracing on XWalkCoreShell
Launch XWalkCoreShell on Android device
Start and stop tracing recoding by running the commands on host machine:
adb shell am broadcast -a org.xwalk.core.xwview.shell.GPU_PROFILER_START -e file /sdcard/Download/trace.txt
adb shell am broadcast -a org.xwalk.core.xwview.shell.GPU_PROFILER_STOP
Run adb pull /sdcard/Download/trace.txt to download the trace.txt to host machine
Open about:tracing in Chrome browser on host machine and load the trace.txt