Converting XML file from WIMS WXML service to Fire Weather Format for National Fire Danger Rating System - PeterTFS/WXMLFW13 GitHub Wiki
HELP document on converting XML file from WIMS WXML service to Fire Weather Format:
Purpose: The script download the daily observation from WIMS WXML service and generate the Fire Weather data format (FW13) for RAWS stations.
- Python 2.x (the current version was tested on Windows 7 command line tool).
- A csv file (named here tx_raws.csv) which contains station name and stationid in two columns for more stations (currently are 79 raws station in Texas).
Folder Structure (Will created after you run the program for ARCHIVING): FW13: The generated Fire Weather 13 format for all the stations listed in the csv file XML: The source file in the XML format downloaded from WIMS WXML service
Files: README_XML2FW13: The instruction and help information run_asos4wims.bat: The batch file contains the commands to run python scripts and upload the FW9/13 files to the famtest webdav using a credential The python script for downloading download the daily observation from WIMS WXML service and generate the Fire Weather data format TX-RAWS.fw13: The generated fire weather files according to the FW13 format This program is share publicly for transforming a web downloaded fire weather observations to a fire weather format that can be intaken by National Fire Danger Rating Systems:
Instructions as for using this free code:
How to run:
For running on Windows Opering system, you may need to add the python2.x program directory into the Environment Variable "Path" then:
Open a windows command line window (or terminal in other operating system) and cd into the XMLFW13 folder, type: python 9-May-2016 10-May-2016 | | | | | ---> end date formatted in day-month abbrievation(Jan, Feb,Mar,....)-year |---> start date formatted in day-month abbrievation-year
Additional Tips: If there are several versions of python installed in your computer, you may need to specify your Python2.x directory in the command line, type: C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.4\python.exe 9-May-2016 10-May-2016