Commands - PersonalDom/PunishControl-WikiClone GitHub Wiki

PunishControl Commands

PunishControl has a range of commands that are easy to use and understand, here are a list of all available commands and what you can expect them to do.

Main Command

Comamnd: /punishcontrol
Alias: phc, pun, pc
Required Permission: punishcontrol.command.main

This Command will give you an overview of the plugin and provide some useful commands for you to try. Main Command Result

Permission List Command
Comamnd: /punishcontrol perms list
Alias: phc, pun, pc
Required Permission: N/a

This command will provide a list of all available permissions ready to use.
Perm List Command Result

Help Command Command: /punishcontrol help Alias: phc, pun, pc
Required Permission: N/a

This command will provide a list of all available commands.
Help Command Result 1

Help Command Result 2

Help Command Result 3

Ban Command
Note: Text within curly brackets ("{}") are variables.
Command: /ban {player} {duration} {reason} Alias: N/a Required Permission: punishcontrol.punishment.create.ban

This command will add a punishment to the defined player.
Ban Command Result