Interface - PerkTutor/PerkEvaluator GitHub Wiki
Buffer: Select buffer and import/export from file.
- Import: Import a buffer from file, overwriting the current buffer.
- Export: Export the current buffer to file.
Playback: Start/stop playback of the currently selected buffer.
- |<<: Return to the beginning of the current buffer.
- <<: Move one frame backwards in the current buffer.
- Play: Play the current buffer (not in real-time).
- Stop: Stop the current buffer from playing.
: Move one frame forwards in the current buffer.
|: Proceed to the end of the current buffer.
- Repeat: Whether or not to return to the beginning of the buffer when the end is reached.
- Slider: Slide to a specific time in the current buffer.
Messages: Add messages to the currently selected buffer.
- Add Message: Add a message (at the time that the slider indicates) to the current buffer.
- Removed Message: Remove the currently selected message from the current buffer.
- Clear Messages: Remove all messages from the current buffer.
Perk Evaluator Node: A node storing all of the parameters for evaluating the procedure trajectories
Measurement Parameters: Parameters to be set before analyzing the buffer and computing metrics.
- Tissue model node: A model node representing the tissue of the anatomy. Used for computing tissue damage metrics.
- Needle transform node: The transform which is applied to the needle to displace it into the anatomy's coordinate system (all parent transforms are applied in the analysis).
- Measurement Range: The range of times over which the metrics are computed.
- Mark Begin: Start analysis at the current playback time.
- Mark End: Halt analysis at the current playback time.
Results: Produces the results of the analysis and metric computation.
- Analyze: Analyze the buffer and compute the available metrics.
- Copy: Copy the metrics from the metrics table to the operating system's clipboard.
- Trace Trajectories: Whether curves tracing out the tools' trajectories should be drawn.
Transform Roles: Table of which transform nodes represent the trajectory of each tool.
Anatomy Roles: Table of which anatomies are represented by which nodes in the scene.
Advanced: Advanced options for analysis
- Metrics Directory: Directory storing python scripts for user-configurable metrics.
- Needle Orientation: The direction in which the shaft of the needle is pointed.
- Auto-Update: Whether the analysis parameters should be updated when a new transform buffer is selected for analysis