analysis and reflection - Pepetti/PWP GitHub Wiki

Important information for final deadline

‼️  This chapter should be completed by final deadline (see course information at Lovelace)

📑  Chapter summary In this section we would like that you reflect about the work you have done during the course.


  • Reflect about own learning
  • Feedback on course instruction
In this section we are going to evaluate also the project management

✔️     Chapter evaluation (max 7.5 points) You can get a maximum of 4.5 points after completing the Analysis and Reflection section. In addition you can get up to 3.0 points due to correct Project management. More detailed evaluation is provided after each heading.

Analysis and reflection

Future Work

📑  Content that must be included in the section Explain how you would improve your RESTful API and your client application. Try to develop the ideas, and explain why each improvement is needed

✔️     Evaluation criteria(max 1.5 points)
  • Future work is provided and carefully thought out: 1.5

✏️ In the future, API calls could provide much more information related to navigation (in other words, link-relations). Also, the course work can't show multiple days in the front page. Even thought profile modification were planned, we didn't implement it in this course work. This is one future improvement which could be done. This kind of sport application would also work better with mobile usage aspect in mind, but we didn't have time and resources to actually implement the project that way. The mobile version was considered in the beginning of the course, but we decided that web client is more doable concerning this course.

Lessons learnt

📑  Content that must be included in the section Discuss in this section the things that you would have done differently if you started the project after this course ends.

✔️     Evaluation criteria(max 1.0 points)
  • A short reflective description of what was learned while working on the project 1.0

✏️ The actual scheduling of the project is one area which could be improved if the project started now.

Comments about the project

📑  Content that must be included in the section Comment where you encountered the main difficulties while doing your project work. Discuss about the easiest/most difficult parts of the project. Provide convincing statements.

✔️     Evaluation criteria(max 1.0 points)
  • A short reflective description of the easiest/most difficults parts of the projects 1.0

✏️ Again, the most difficult part of the project was the actual scheduling between group members.

Comments about the course

📑  Content that must be included in the section Make sincere comments about the course. How this course could be improved? What should be changed? What should not be changed?

✔️     Evaluation criteria(max 1.0 points)
  • Useful course feedback - what we should change, what we should keep: 1.0

✏️ The summer web course execution gave a lot of freedom how to proceed with excercises and the course work. There was also a great amount of learning material available. Maybe some parts of the Lovelace itself could be improved. For example, the checker used in the excercises could give much more information about errors. Sometimes it was hard to pinpoint the problem based on the checker's error message.

Project management

📑  Project management This section should not contain anything. Just be sure that meeting notes and resource allocation are up to date

✔️     Evaluation criteria(max 3.0 points)
  • Resource allocation was filled for all deadlines: 0.5
  • Good meeting notes were taken during each meeting 1.5
  • Good time management during the whole course 1.0

✏️ You do not need to write anything here. Just be sure that your meeting notes and resource allocation are up to date

Resources allocation

Task Student Estimated time
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️