Command dcrack - Pepelux/sippts GitHub Wiki
SIPPTS dcrack is a tool to crack the digest authentications within the SIP protocol.
$ sippts dcrack -h
-w FILE Wordlist for bruteforce
-bf Bruteforce password
-charset CHARSET Charset for bruteforce (default: printable)
-min NUMBER Min length for bruteforce (default: 1)
-max NUMBER Max length for bruteforce (default: 8)
-f FILE SipCrack format file with SIP Digest hashes
-v Increase verbosity
Other options:
-p PREFIX Prefix for passwords
-s SUFIX Suffix for passwords
-h, --help Show this help
Bruteforce charsets
alphabet=ascii_letters # The ascii_lowercase and ascii_uppercase constants
alphabet=ascii_lowercase # The lowercase letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
alphabet=ascii_uppercase # The uppercase letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
alphabet=digits # The string: 0123456789
alphabet=hexdigits # The string: 0123456789abcdefABCDEF
alphabet=octdigits # The string: 01234567
alphabet=punctuation # String of ASCII characters: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
alphabet=printable # Combination of digits, ascii_letters, punctuation, and whitespace
alphabet=whitespace # This includes the characters space, tab, linefeed, return, formfeed, and vertical tab
alphabet=0123456789abcdef # Custom alphabet
$ sippts dcrack -f data.txt -w wordlist/rockyou.txt
Press Ctrl+C to stop
[!] Using wordlist: wordlist/rockyou.txt
[!] Hashes file: data.txt
[+] Trying to crack hash 8fc3017399843f85624f64b8fe362452 of the user test201 ...
[-] Trying pass testtest
Saving restore data ...
[-] Cleartext password for user test201 is testtest