First start - Penomatikus/monitorSH GitHub Wiki

First start

After downloading this script via git or simply by copy and paste, open a terminal and open the dictionary, where the file is stored. Now run the following commands to make this script runnable and run it.

Make it runnable:

  • sudo chmod +x ./

Starting monitorSH:

  • sudo ./ <device name>

How can I figure out the name of my wifi card?

Your best bet would be, to let monitorSH figure out the name/s. Just simply start monitorSH and use as first argument anything you want. It will search for this device name. However if this name is not available it prints suggestions for you, which card you could mean and/or you want to use.

Starting monitorSH with wrong device-name: sudo ./ thisIsNotADeviceName Example: Device not found

However you could also use the following commands ( no monitorSH arguments, standalone commands ):

You can simply enter the following command to get your current wifi-card names:

  • ifconfig | egrep -o '^w([a-zA-Z]|[0-9])*

In case your card starts not with w or W ( e.g. eth1 ) use the following command. It will print all information about your network devices. Figure out witch of them is your wifi-device and use its name for the first argument:

  • ifconfig