Location of files (hard copy and those located on servers) - PennBBL/conte GitHub Wiki
This wiki details the location of files that are located on Saturn and what can be found there or that are hard copies.
All pertinent information for running subjects, recruitment, and tracking can be found on Saturn in /Coordinators/Protocols/Active/CONTE_815814/
The following items are in the CONTE_815814 folder:
- Scanned C2 forms for Clincard payments in the folder ClinCard_Scans
- Current Consents: Consents-CurrentApprovedICFs
- All paper materials collected from subjects: Scanned_Papers
- Signed consent forms: ScannedConsents
- Documents pertaining to running subjects: SessionDocuments
- Recruitment efforts: Recruitment Recent or SubjectRecruitment
- File with remaining CAPAs that need to be completed/resolved: CONTEUPDATE_6_13_17.xlsl
- Tracker of all data collected for procedures: Conte_tracker_061317.csv
- MRI_eyetracking folder has eye tracking files that PR had processed a long time ago, both for MRI and EEG.
Petra's old office (10025)
- Consent binders with consent hard copies (on the shelf next to the window)
- C2 form hard copies for Clincard payments (in filing cabinet)
Other things
- DVDs of imaging data were handed off to Jason Blake on 6/6/2017
- Oracle
- Enrollment is up to date in Oracle for protocol #815814
- Procedures are entered into the procedures table for EEG or Imaging
- Radiology Reports have all been uploaded (for those who have readings)
- While most of this information also lives in the REDCap, you can also find EEG and MRI procedure entries in the procedures table.