FreeSurfer v5.3 Processing on CFN - PennBBL/conte GitHub Wiki

Reprocessing FS on CFN with v5.3


In moving CONTE data to CFN, the subjects were reprocessed on CFN using FreeSurfer v5.3. This is the same process and version that was run on monstrum.

Scripts Overview:

  • wrapper script: /data/joy/BBL/projects/conteReproc2017/freesurfer/
    • calls: /data/joy/BBL/projects/conteReproc2017/freesurfer/

Runs FreeSurfer version 5.3. The code is broken down into two main sections:

  • Set necessary FreeSurfer variables and check for existing FreeSurfer data
  • Run FreeSurfer 5.3 on individuals without FreeSurfer data


  • FreeSurfer data for each subject (mri, stats, surf, label)
    • /data/joy/BBL/studies/conte/processedData/structural/freesurfer/[bblid]/[datexscanid]/
  • Log files (.o and .e) for each subject
    • /data/joy/BBL/projects/conteReproc2017/freesurfer/logs/

FreeSurfer Processing:

Set necessary variables and check for existing FreeSurfer data

Script: /data/joy/BBL/projects/conteReproc2017/freesurfer/


  • FreeSurfer output directory (SUBJECTS_DIR)
    export SUBJECTS_DIR="/data/joy/BBL/studies/conte/processedData/freesurfer"
  • List of subjects (slist) (in the form of a wildcard ls statement in the subjects directory)
    slist=$(ls -d /data/joy/BBL/studies/conte/rawData/*/*x*)
  • MPRAGE nifti (infile)
    infile=ls -d $i/MPRAGE*ipat2*moco3*/nifti/*MPRAGE*ipat2*moco3*.nii.gz
  • Full path to log files


  1. loops through each subject, and creates variables for the bblid (bblid), subject id (subjid) (unique to timepoint, in the form of datexscanid), MPRAGE nifti (infile), the subject/timepoint specific directory (surfpath), and the subject specific directory (SUBJECTS_DIR)

  2. locates the T1 structural MPRAGE nifti needed for FreeSurfer processing and creates a variable called infile for this

  3. creates FreeSurfer specific directory variables for the subject/timepoint unique output directory (surfpath) where processed FreeSurfer data for that subject/timepoint will be output, and the overall subject directory which FreeSurfer also requires (SUBJECTS_DIR).

    (Steps 1-3)    
    export SUBJECTS_DIR="/data/joy/BBL/studies/conte/processedData/freesurfer"  
    slist=$(ls -d /data/joy/BBL/studies/conte/rawData/*/*x*)   
    #for every subject in the subjects folder  
    for i in $slist; do  
    	#get bblid, datexscanid, and MPRAGE nifti   
    	bblid=`echo $i | cut -d "/" -f 8`  
    	subjid=`echo $i | cut -d "/" -f 9`  
    	echo $subjid  
    	infile=`ls -d $i/MPRAGE*ipat2*moco3*/nifti/*MPRAGE*ipat2*moco3*.nii.gz`  
    	#get the working subjects folder for that subject  
    	surfpath=`ls -d /data/joy/BBL/studies/conte/processedData/freesurfer/$bblid/$subjid`  
  4. checks that the subject/timepoint specific output directory (surfpath) is empty, and if not, prints the statement
    *-*-*-*-Freesurfer has already been run for this subject-*-*-*-*
    and moves on to the next subject.

  5. If the surfpath is empty, then the raw MPRAGE nifti (infile), subject specific but not timepoint specific output directory (SUBJECTS_DIR), and subject/timepoint specific subject id (subjid) are passed to the next script in the pipeline (/data/joy/BBL/projects/conteReproc2017/freesurfer/ which is set up to run on the grid.

qsub -V -e $logs -o $logs -q all.q -S /bin/bash /data/joy/BBL/projects/conteReproc2017/freesurfer/ $infile $SUBJECTS_DIR $subjid

  1. The script then moves on to the next subject in the loop and performs the same steps


  • For CONTE FreeSurfer processing on CFN the SUBJECTS_DIR is unique to each subject but not to each timepoint. This SUBJECTS_DIR changes for each subject bblid, as per the directory structure set up on CFN (bblid/datexscanid). Previous projects and runs of Freesurfer elsewhere have maintained the same SUBJECTS_DIR for each subject.

Run FreeSurfer version 5.3

Script: /data/joy/BBL/projects/conteReproc2017/freesurfer/


  • arguments passed by /data/joy/BBL/projects/conteReproc2017/freesurfer/
    • MPRAGE raw nifti (infile)
    • subject (bblid) specific output directory (SUBJECTS_DIR)
    • subject/timepoint unique id (subjid))
  • FreeSurfer version specific environments (FREESURFER_HOME and PERL5LIB)


  1. creates variables from the arguments passed to the script.

     export FREESURFER_HOME="/share/apps/freesurfer/5.3.0"       
     export SUBJECTS_DIR=$2    
     export PERL5LIB="/share/apps/freesurfer/5.3.0/mni/lib/perl5/5.8.5"    
  2. runs recon-all -i (initial set up) to create each subject's unique subject/timepoint FS directory structure (surfpath from previous script: /data/joy/BBL/studies/conte/processedData/freesurfer/$bblid/$subjid)

recon-all -i $mprage -subjid $subjid

  1. runs recon-all -all -qcache (all standard FreeSurfer processing) on each subject/timepoint.

recon-all -subjid $subjid -all -qcache


  • runs on sge and each subject takes approximately 16-24 hours to run this FreeSurfer process
  • -qcache argument usage from recon-all --help:
    • Produce the pre-cached files required by the Qdec utility, allowing rapid analysis of group data. These files are created by running mris_preproc, which creates smoothed surface data files sampled to the 'fsaverage' common-space surface. By default, the surface data for thickness, curv, sulc, area and jacobian_white are smoothed at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 mm FWHM. If just one set of surface data needs to be processed, then the option -measure can follow -qcache, where is one of: thickness, curv, sulc, area, jacobian_white or any surface measure. Multiple instances of -measure is supported. The -measuredir option allows specifying a directory other than the default of surf. Another option is -fwhm where is a value in mm. Also, -target allows specifying a common-space target other than fsaverage (the default). qcache is also a target for make, eg. recon-all -make qcache
  • See also:

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