JSON configuration - PeaceNlove/gispro-python-deploy-manual GitHub Wiki

Key Type Values Description
action string "publishSD" Required, must be publishSD
antialiasingMode string "FASTEST","FAST","NORMAL","BEST","NONE" Optional, sets the geometry antialiasing mode
aprx string Required, the filename of the ArcGIS Pro document
capabilities string "Map,Query,Data" Optional, the map service operations which the service should support, should contain a combination of "Map,Query,Data"
credits string Optional, the Copyright credits of the mapservice
dateFieldsRespectsDaylightSavingTime bool true / false Optional, use daylight savings time when using dateFieldsTimezoneID
dateFieldsTimezoneID string "None","W. Europe Standard Time", etc Optional, set the UTC time field to follow a specific time zone
description string Optional, description text of the mapservice
disableIdentifyRelates bool true / false Optional, enable or disable the display of related information in identify results
enableDynamicLayers bool true / false Optional, enable or disable dynamic layers
extensions array extensionobjects Required, but can be an empty array, enable and configure Mapservice extensions
keepAliveInterval integer -1 - 3600 Optional, sets the interval in seconds to check and repair instances. -1 disables the check
maxDomainCodeCount integer 1 - 1000000 Optional, sets the maximum number of coded domains
maxIdleTime integer 1 - 86400 Optional, sets the time in seconds an idle Mapservice can be kept running
maxImageHeight integer 256 - 8192 Optional, sets the maximum image height
maxImageWidth integer 256 - 8192 Optional, sets the maximum image width
maxInstancesPerNode integer 1 - 25 Optional, sets the maximum number of instances of a Mapservice per server
maxRecordCount integer 1 - 100000 Optional, sets the maximum number of records returned by a query operation
maxSampleSize integer 1 - 1000000 Optional, sets the maximum sample size
maxStartupTime integer 1 - 2400 Optional, sets the maximum startup time in seconds
maxUsageTime integer 1 - 2400 Optional, sets the maximum time in seconds an instance can use to process a request before a timeout is returned
maxWaitTime integer 1 - 2400 Optional, sets the maximum time in seconds an client can wait for a request to be processed before a timeout is returned
minInstancesPerNode integer 0 - 25 Optional, sets the minimum number of instances of a Mapservice per server
portalFolder string Optional, the Portal folder the Mapservice is published to
recycleInterval integer 1 - 48 Optional, sets the recycle interval of the service in hours
recycleStartTime string "00:00" - "23:59" Optional, sets the recycle start time, must be a formatted time string HH:mm
schemaLockingEnabled bool true / false Optional, enable or disable schema locking by the service
serverFolder string Optional, the ArcGIS Server folder the Mapservice is published to
servers array ServerObject Required, One or more server or environment configurations
serviceType string "MapServer" Required, must be MapServer
sharedSoc bool true / false Optional, true will publish the service to a Shared Instance SOC on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 or higher
summary string Required, the summary of the Mapservice
tags string Required, comma separated list of tags for the service
textAntialiasingMode string "NORMAL","FORCE","NONE" Optional, sets the label text antialiasing mode
uselimitations string Optional, use limitation description of the service