InstallMapserviceTool - PeaceNlove/gispro-python-deploy-manual GitHub Wiki

The InstallMapserviceTool should run from the command line using Propy.bat from the ArcGIS Pro installation directory:

"c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\scripts\propy.bat" -f <serviceDefinition> -s <server> -u <user> -p <password> -c true/false -h true/false -d true/false -i true/false -a true/false -r true/false -t true/false -x true/false -j <JenkinsBuildNumer> -g <GitRevision> The following parameters are used as input to the script:

  • -f / serviceDefinition= Required, json file containing the aprx installation configuration'
  • -s / server= Required, server configuration to use from json and global ini file
  • -u / user= Required, Portal build in username with publisher rights
  • -p / password= Required, Portal build in user password
  • -r / replaceDatasources= Optional default true, true/false, should the database connections or FGDB connections be updated to match the server database connection
  • -c / createSDFile= Optional default true, true/false, should a .SD service definition file be created
  • -h / stopService= Optional default true, true/false, should the service be stopped
  • -d / deleteService= Optional default false, true/false, should the service be deleted
  • -i / installService= Optional default true, true/false, should the .SD service definition be published to the server, requires -c option or existing .SD file in the PUB directory
  • -a / configureService= Optional default true, true/false, should mapservice be configured with the settings from the json file
  • -z / startService= Optional default true, true/false, should the service be started
  • -t / createcache= Optional default false, true/false, should the service create a tilecache after publishing, requires tilecache settings in the json
  • -j / jenkinsbuildnumber= Optional default empty, the build number from the buildserver
  • -g / gitrevision= Optional default empty, the git revision number if a git repository is used

Running the tool from ArcGIS Pro:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️