CreateMapserviceJSONTool - PeaceNlove/gispro-python-deploy-manual GitHub Wiki
The CreateMapserviceJSONTool creates a JSON configuration file for deploying a Mapservice. After running this tool, the AddDatabaseInfo tool and the AddSecurityInfo tool can be used to add database configuration and security configuration to the JSON. This tool cannot be run from the command line.
- Select JSON configuration file: navigate to the folder where the JSON file should be created, this should be the same directory where the ArcGIS Pro file (APRX) is.
- APRX Filename: the name of the ArGIS Pro document
- Service name: the name of the mapservice, this name cannot contain spaces or other special characters, but can contain underscore character (_)
- ArcGIS Server Folder: the folder on ArcGIS Server where the mapservice will be placed, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Portal Server Folder: the folder in Portal where the mapservice will be placed, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Generate Environments: the Server Environments (DTAP) which should be added to the file, populated from PublishTools.ini
- Antialiasing mode: the antialiasing for the geometry rendering, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Text antialiasing mode: the antialiasing for the labels, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Time Zone: Set the UTC time field to follow a specific time zone, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Values are adjusted for daylight savings: Apply daylight savings to the selected time zone, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Max Record Count: The maximum amount of records returned on query operations, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Maximum Image Height (pixels): the maximum image height in pixels, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Maximum Image Width (pixels): the maximum image width in pixels, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Maximum Number of Coded Domains: the maximum number of coded domains, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Maximum Sample Size: the maximum sample size, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Lock Database Schema: Should the mapservice lock the database schema, unchecked may lead to Schema out of date errors in the mapservice, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Display Related Information in Identify Results: Check this box when related information should be included in identify results, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Mapping, Operations Allowed: The operations which the mapservice should support, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Mapping, Enable Dynamic Layers (Allow per request modification of layer order and symbology): Allow per request modification of layer order and symbology, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Minimum number of instances per machine: the minimum number of instances per machine, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Maximum number of instances per machine: the maximum number of instances per machine, prepopulated from defaults.json
- The maximum time a client can use a service: the maximum time an instance can use to process a request before a timeout is returned, prepopulated from defaults.json
- The maximum time a client will wait to get a service: the maximum time a client can wait for an instances to process a request before a timeout is returned, prepopulated from defaults.json
- The maximum time an idle instance can be kept running: the maximum time an idle instance can be kept running, prepopulated from defaults.json
- The maximum startup time for an instance: the maximum startup time for an instance, increase this value when startup timeouts occur, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Use Shared instance pool: run the service from the shared instance pool, above settings are required for creating the service, but are not applicable after the service is configured to use the shared instance pool
- Recycle this configuration every: recycle time for the service, values from 1-24 are valid, prepopulated from defaults.json
- Starting at: the hour and minute ArcGIS Server should start recycling, prepopulated from defaults.json
Item Description
- Summary: the summary of the mapservice
- Description: the description of the mapservice
- Tags: the tags which will help find this service in ArcGIS Enterprise
- Access and Use Constraints: the access and use constraints for this service
- Credits: the credits for this service