Initiating Checkout - PayMaya/paymaya-ruby-sdk GitHub Wiki

To generate a checkout page through the Ruby SDK, call Paymaya::Checkout::Checkout.create, with a hash containing the checkout parameters, as shown in the code snippet below:

valid_checkout = {
  total_amount: {
    currency: 'PHP',
    value: '1234.56'
  buyer: {
    first_name: 'Grayson',
    middle_name: 'Eichmann',
    last_name: 'Howe',
    contact: {
      phone: '(477) 575-5820',
      email: '[email protected]'
    shipping_address: {
      line1: '9F Robinsons Cybergate 3',
      line2: 'Pioneer Street',
      city: 'Mandaluyong City',
      state: 'Metro Manila',
      zip_code: '12345',
      country_code: 'PH'
    billing_address: {
      line1: '9F Robinsons Cybergate 3',
      line2: 'Pioneer Street',
      city: 'Mandaluyong City',
      state: 'Metro Manila',
      zip_code: '12345',
      country_code: 'PH'
    ip_address: ''
  redirect_url: {
    success: '',
    failure: '',
    cancel: ''
  items: [
      name: 'Heavy Duty Plastic Bag',
      quantity: '3',
      amount: {
        value: '1621.10',
        details: {
          discount: '100.00', 
          subtotal: '1721.10'
      total_amount: {
        value: '4863.30',
        details: {
          discount: '300.00',
          subtotal: '5163.30'}
  request_reference_number: '000141386713',
  metadata: {}
Paymaya::Checkout::Checkout.create valid_checkout

Checkout uses the following parameters in generating Checkout pages:

Hash Key Description
:total_amount A hash containing details of the total amount
:buyer A hash containing buyer information
:redirect_url A hash containing up to three redirect URLs for the checkout payment events, with keys :success, :failure, :cancel
:items An array of hashes containing checkout item details
:request_reference_number An optional string containing an ID for the merchant's identification of the transaction
:metadata An optional hash containing metadata about the transaction, for use by the merchant. Also contains submerchant information, if any

:total_amount contains the following information:

Hash Key Description
:value A string containing the numerical value of the total amount, e.g. '1234.50'
:currency ISO 4217 currency code, e.g. 'PHP'
:details A hash containing the breakdown for :value. May contain the following keys (optional): :discount, :service_charge, :shipping_fee, :tax, :subtotal

:buyer contains the following information:

Hash Key Description
:firstName A string containing the buyer's first name
:middleName An optional string containing the buyer's middle name. Optional
:lastName A string containing the buyer's last name
:contact An optional hash containing the buyer's contact details, and can contain the following keys: :phone, :email
:shippingAddress A hash containing the buyer's shipping address, and contains the following keys: :line1, :line2, :city, :state, :zip_code, :country_code
:billingAddress A hash containing the buyer's billing address, and contains the following keys: :line1, :line2, :city, :state, :zip_code, :country_code
:ipAddress A string containing the buyer's IP address

:items is an array of item hashes, containing the following information:

Hash Key Description
:name Item name
:quantity Item quantity
:code Optional item code
:description Optional description
:amount Optional hash containing the breakdown of the total amount per individual item, with keys :value and :details. :details is a hash containing :subtotal and :discount
:total_amount Hash containing the total amount of the items combined, with keys :value and :details. :details is a hash containing :subtotal and :discount