Trainings - PawelBogdan/BecomeJavaHero GitHub Wiki

Table of content

  1. Training 17th October
  2. Training 20th October
  3. Training 24th October
  4. Training 3rd November

Training 17th October

Summary from last training

  1. Maven
    1. Archetypes
    2. artifactId and groupId
    3. Lifecycle
    4. Dependencies
  2. Git
    1. Local and remote repositiories
    2. Commiting/pushing
    3. Pulling
    4. Merging
  3. Eclipse
    1. Creating projects
    2. Importing projects
    3. Running projects
  4. Java basics
    1. Environment
    2. Compiling and running
    3. Classes


  1. Projecting classes
    1. Encapsulation
    2. Immutable classes
    3. Inheritance
    4. Layers of abstraction
    5. Relations between classes

Next training

  1. Continuation of relations between classes
  2. Solid rules

Training 20th October


  1. Java collections
  2. Nested classes
  3. Singleton
  4. Association of classes


  1. Train Java programming (write some programs which contain loops, lists, map and associations)
  2. Consider how to implement Singleton pattern using unums

Next training

  1. Next relations between classes (aggregation and composition)
  2. Modelling real life example with UML diagrams and Java code
  3. SOLID rules, examples and exercises

Training 24th October

Summary from last training

  1. Nested classes
  2. Java collections
  3. Associations of classes


  1. Aggregation of classes
  2. Composition of classes
  3. Exercises (with UML diagrams)
  4. SOLID rules

Next training

  1. Continuation of SOLID rules
  2. Exercises
  3. Design patterns

Training 3rd November

Summary from last training

  1. SOLID rules
  2. Projecting open oriented software


  1. Design patterns

Next training

  1. Continuation of design patterns