User Interface - Paves22/battleships GitHub Wiki
Intro/splash screen The splash screen of battleship, player can press any key to start the game.
Main menu There are 5 options in the main menu page, “Player vs CPU” and “Player vs Player”, for these two options, player can play one battleship game with computer AI or random online players. For online option, player can check the game server or become a game host to player with friends. And player can change the video resolution , audio setting and their game operation mode.
In-game screen In Battleship game, there are 2 players in the game, each of them can get a game broad which represent the sea grid and the player can play their game in a 10x10 sea grid. In the game, there are 5 ships, each ship has different length and players can not see or announce the grid each other and each player can not change or move their ship location at any time. Players can shoot the enemy player’s ships on their turn through giving a letter and a number to identify a row and column. And the “X” symbol means the shot location in the game, and player need to announce which cannonball hits the ship. And the ship will be destroyed when the entire ship is hit and full of “X” on the ship body, player can win the game when he destroy all the enemy’s ships. In addition, on the bottom right corner, there is a Quit, player can go back main menu page according this button.