Mobile ICP 5 - PavankumarManchala/CS5590_TEAM_12_ICP GitHub Wiki
Task 1 : To design an Android application and perform operations SQlite.
- The Save option is given in use case and the update and deleting the files features are added.
The updating the details is as follows.
The Deletion of the existing file is done.
The code for the delete feature is shown below. The delete method used to get the lastname from the user and compares to the lists with that lastname. Then if any present then it is deleted from memory.
The Update code is shown below. In this the values are updated by finding the list initial by lastname and then corresponding values are updated.
Task 2 : To design an Android application using Firebase Database.
The Homepage of the app looks as follows.
The login and signup features are added to the app using firebase database.
The logout option brings back to the homepage.