M2 ICP 6 - PavankumarManchala/BigDataProgrammingICPs GitHub Wiki

Submitted By:

Pavankumar Manchala

Class Id: 16

Tasks: Q1. Import the dataset as a csv file and create data frames directly on import than create graph out of the data frame created. Code for creating the graph frames using csv files loaded.

Output: Here displayed the vertices of graph

Here displayed the edges

Q2. Triangle Count Displaying the count of number of triangles formed at each vertex. Code:


Q3. Find Shortest Paths w.r.t. Landmarks Displaying the shortest paths between source and destination based on landmarks.


Q4. Apply Page Rank algorithm on the dataset Page rank specifies the importance to the vertices in the dataset.


Q5. Save graphs generated to a file. The graphs are saved to file separately as vertices and edges.


Bonus: Q1.Apply Label Propagation Algorithm For unsupervised datasets the labeling is done by this algorithm.


Q2. BFS algorithm
