ICP 4 - PavankumarManchala/BigDataProgrammingICPs GitHub Wiki

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Pavankumar Manchala Class-Id: 16


  1. creating a table petrol, loading data into the table and perform some queries.

Creating petrol table, loading data into petrol table

Query-1: What is the total amount of petrol in volume sold by every distributor?

Query-2: Which are the top 10 distributors ID’s for selling petrol and also display the amount of petrol sold in volume by them individually?

Query-3: Find real life 10 distributor name who sold petrol in the least amount.

Query-4: List all distributors who have this difference, along with the year and the difference which they have in that year.

  1. Creating a table olympic, loading data into the table and perform some queries.

creating table olympic, loading data into olympic

Query-1: List the total number of medals won by each country in swimming.

Query-2: Display number of medals India won year wise.

Query-3: Find the total number of medals each country won and display the name along with total medals.

Query-4: Find the number of gold medals each country won.

Query-5: Which country got medals for Shooting, year wise classification?

Bonus question: To perform join operation on one of the dataset

creating table petrol1, loading data into petrol1 https://github.com/PavankumarManchala/BigDataProgrammingICPs/blob/master/Hadoop/ICP4/18.png

creating table petrol2, loading data into petrol2 https://github.com/PavankumarManchala/BigDataProgrammingICPs/blob/master/Hadoop/ICP4/19.png

Performing left outer join using distributer_id: https://github.com/PavankumarManchala/BigDataProgrammingICPs/blob/master/Hadoop/ICP4/20.png

ICP4 video explanation: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sE_iQDEmi5f9bQKQ1KT21fCrQo_A5hqs

All ICPs videos link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1racqWkfI10T-CpLYEDYCvJRSRhhLGsWL