ICP 2 - PavankumarManchala/BigDataProgrammingICPs GitHub Wiki
Submitted by:
Pavankumar Manchala class Id:17
Technologies Used:
- Oracle VM Virtual Box
- Cloudera
- IntelliJ
1. Counting the frequency of words in given input with Map-reduce algorithm.
Here the commands to put the input to the hadoop file system and perform char_count:
Input: This is the input given to perform character count.
Output: The output from character count.
2. Counting the frequency of odd number and even numbers in input with Map reduce.
Input: The input file is provided with certain numbers with various frequencies and separated by space.
The occurrence of odd and even numbers displayed individually.
ICP2 video explanation: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rvYvbmOHZBDQdEUQ9ArmSq3a862vSkU3
All ICPs videos link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1racqWkfI10T-CpLYEDYCvJRSRhhLGsWL