Walkies! User Guide - Paulwhent/G00375061 GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the Walkies! dog owner App:
home_page: This page, titled 'Walkies' at the top, displays an image of a dog in the content and has three clickable buttons at the bottom. The first button triggers the Flashlight function, a Native/Cordova plugin feature. The second button is a link to the walks_page. Button three links to the dog_page.
walks-page: This page, titled 'Walks' currently displays a static image from a screenshot from Strava (to be later developed with dynamic links to activities through the Strava API and optional uploads of new walks). There is also a Back button to return to the previous_page.
dog_page: This page, titled 'Paws for thought!' features a random dog image downloaded as JSON data using an http client from a free API (https://dog.ceo.api). There are two buttons beneath the image, one (RESET) is to update the image with a new random image (not currently working ), the other (DOG) is a link to the next page (My Dog Profile).There is also a Back button to return to the previous_page.
input_page: This page, My Dog Details, is for adding details (currently name, breed, age, microchip number) for the following 'Profile' page (details_page). Each input category has a clickable save button, to send the data to local storage. There are two further buttons at the bottom of the page, one (RESET), to clear data from local storage to enable new details to be stored (currently works to clear data, but not 'input' placeholders), the other (PROFILE) to link to the final page (details_page).There is also a Back button to return to the previous_page.
details_page: This page, 'dogname' Profile, should display the input data from the previous page. Currently, it only retrieves and displays the 'name' that was entered and stored. There is also a Back button to return to the previous_page.