Commands - PaulTDD-MC/RatCaveNetwork GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the RatCaveNetwork commands page!
- Global Commands
- Staff Commands
- Permission Commands
- Utility Commands
- User Commands
- Group Commands
- CoreProtect
- Params explanation
- Commands
- World Edit
- between ( ) = required
- between [ ] = optional
Global CommandsGlobal Commands | Command description | Aliases | Minimum Rank |
/help (menu) [page] | Displays the help menu | - | default |
/chestparts | Display your amount of chestparts | cp | default |
/cosmetics | Open the cosmetics menu | - | default |
/namepet | Rename your cosmetics pet | - | default |
/friend | The main friends command | f, friends | default |
/party | The main parties command | p | default |
Staff CommandsStaff Commands | Command description | Aliases | Minimum Rank |
/staffchat (text) | Chat in staff chat | sc | Builder |
/staffchattoggle | Toggle staff chat | sctoggle | Builder |
!(text) | Shortcut to staffchat | - | Admin |
/kick (player) [reason] | Kick the player off RCN | - | Helper |
/mute (player) [reason] | Mute the player on RCN | - | Helper |
/unmute (player) | Unmute the player on RCN | - | Helper |
/tempmute (player) (time) [reason] | Temporarly mute the player on RCN | - | Helper |
/warn (player) [reason] | Warn the player for something he did on RCN | - | Moderator |
/unwarn (player) | Unwarn the player on RCN | - | Moderator |
/tempwarn (player) (time) [reason] | Temporarly warn the player for something on RCN | - | Moderator |
/ban (player) [reason] | Ban the player permanent on RCN | - | Admin |
/unban (player) | Unban the player on RCN | - | Moderator |
/tempban (player) (time) [reason] | Temporarly ban the player on RCN | - | Moderator |
/banlist | Show all banned/warned/muted players | - | Moderator |
/glist | Show all players online on RCN | - | Moderator |
/alert (message) | Send a message to all servers | - | Moderator |
/server (server) | Go to the given server | - | Moderator |
/clientstats stats | Show stats about all clients | cs stats | Admin |
/clientstats version | Show all used versions on RCN | cs version | Admin |
/clientstats online | Show the versions of all online players | cs online | Admin |
/clientstats player (player) | Show the version of the given player | cs player | Admin |
Utility commandsCommand | Command description | Minimum Rank |
/pex | Display help | Admin |
/pex user (player) check (permission) | Check if the player has the permission | Admin |
/pex users cleanup (group) [time] | Removes inactive players from the group. Time is in days (default 30) | Admin |
User commandsCommand | Command description | Minimum Rank |
/pex users list | Lists all users | Admin |
/pex user (user) | Show the permissions for (user) | Admin |
/pex user (user) prefix [newprefix] | Get or set the perfix for (user) | Admin |
/pex user (user) suffix [newsuffix] | Get or set the suffix for (user) | Admin |
/pex user (user) delete | Remove (user) out of the database | Admin |
/pex user (user) list [world] | List the permissions for the (user). If specefied in the specific world. | Admin |
/pex user (user) add (permission) [world] | Add (permission) to (user). If specefied world, only in that specific world. | Admin |
/pex user (user) remove (permission) [world] | Remove (permission) from (user). If specefied world, only in that specific world. | Admin |
/pex user (user) timed add (permission) (time) [world] | Add (permission) to (user) for a specefied time. | Admin |
/pex user (user) timed remove (permission) (time) [world] | Remove (permission) for (user) for a specefied time. | Admin |
/pex user (user) group list | List al groups for (user) | Admin |
/pex user (user) group add (group) [world] [time] | Add a group to (user) | Admin |
/pex user (user) group set (group) [world] [time] | Set the group for the (user) | Admin |
/pex user (user) group remove (group) [world] | Remove the group from (user) | Admin |
Group commandsCommand | Command description | MInimum Rank |
/pex default group [world] | List the default groups for the specefied world. If world is not specefied, global default group. | Admin |
/pex set default group (group) (true/false) [world] | Set the default group for the world. If world is not specefied, global. | Admin |
/pex groups | List all registered groups | Admin |
/pex group (group) prefix [newprefix] | Get or set the prefix for (group) | Admin |
/pex group (group) suffix [newsuffix] | Get or set the suffix fro (group) | Admin |
/pex group (gorup) create [parents] | Create (group). Specefy [parents] to set the groups it inherits from. | Admin |
/pex group (group) delete | Remove (group) | Admin |
/pex group (group) parents list | List the partents for (group) | Admin |
/pex group (group) parents set (parents) | Set the parent(s) for (group). (single or comma-separated list) | Admin |
/pex group (group) list [world] | List all (group) permissions in [world] | Admin |
/pex group (group) add (permission) [world] | Add (permission) to (group) | Admin |
/pex group (group) remove (permission) [world] | Remove (permission) from (group) | Admin |
/pex group (group) timed add (permission) [time] [world] | Temporarly add (permission) to (group). Default is 30 seconds. | Admin |
/pex group (group) timed remove (permission) [time] [world] | Temporarly remove (permission) from (group). Default is 30 seconds | Admin |
/pex group (group) users | List all users in (group) | Admin |
/pex group (group) user add (user) | Add (user) to (group). (Single or comma-separated list) | Admin |
/pex group (group) user remove (user) | Remove (user) from (group). (Single or comma-separated list | Admin |
Explanation (params)- u:(user)
- t:(time)
- w (weeks)
- d (days)
- h (hours)
- m (minutes)
- s (seconds)
- r:(radius)
- digit (in blocks)
- #world (world)
- #global (global rollback)
- a:(action)
- block (placed/broken)
- +block (placed blocks)
- -block (broken blocks)
- click (interactions)
- container (items put/taken in chests e.g.)
- +container (items put in chest e.g.)
- -container (items taken from chest e.g.)
- kill (mobs/animals killed)
- chat (messages in chat)
- command (commands used)
- session (player logins/logouts)
- +session (player logins)
- -session (player logouts)
- username (username changes)
- b:(block)
- digit (block id)
- name (block name)
- e:(exclude)
- digit (exclude block id)
- name (exclude block name)
CoreProtect CommandsCoreProtect Commands | Command description | Aliases | Minimum Rank |
/coreprotect | Main CoreProtect command | co, core | Admin |
/coreprotect help | Display a list of commands | - | Admin |
/coreprotect inspect | Toggle the inspector | i | Admin |
/coreprotect rollback (params) | Rollback block data | - | Admin |
/coreprotect restore (params) | Restore block data | - | Admin |
/coreprotect lookup (params) | Advanced data lookup | - | Admin |
/coreprotect purge (params) | Delete old data | - | Admin |
/coreprotect near | Perform a lookup wiht a radius of 5 | - | Admin |
/coreprotect undo | Revert a rollback/restore via the opposite action | - | Admin |
World Edit[direction] explanation: N = north, E = easth, S = south, W = west, U = up, D = down,
World Edit Commands | Command description | Minimum Rank |
/ascend | Go up a floor | Builder / Admin |
/brush (sub-brush) | Brushes | Builder / Admin |
/butcher [range] | Kill all animals/mobs in [range] | Builder / Admin |
//calc (calculation) | Calculate ingame | Builder / Admin |
/ceil | Go to the celing | Builder / Admin |
//center | Go to the center of your selection | Builder / Admin |
//chuck | Select your current chunk | Builder / Admin |
/chunkinfo | Get info about the chunk you are in | Builder / Admin |
/clearclipboard | Clear your clipboard | Builder / Admin |
//clearhistory | Clear your history | Builder / Admin |
//contract (range) (blocks) [direction] | Contract blocks from your selection | Builder / Admin |
//copy | Copy the selection to the clipboard | Builder / Admin |
//count (block) | Count the (block) in your selection | Builder / Admin |
//cut | Cut the selection to the clipboard | Builder / Admin |
/cycler | Tool to cycle through blockdata | Builder / Admin |
//cyl (block) (cylinder) | Generate a cylinder with (block) and (range) | Builder / Admin |
/deltree | Remove floating trees tool | Builder / Admin |
/descend | Go down a floor | Builder / Admin |
//distr | Display all block data for the selected area | Builder / Admin |
//drain (range) | Remove all water/lava in (range) | Builder / Admin |
//ex (range) | Extinguish all fire in (range) | Builder / Admin |
//expand (range) [direction] | Expand the selection by (range), and if inserted into [direction]. Otherwise in the direction you are looking to | Builder / Admin |
//faces (block) | Build the walls, floor and ceiling of the selection with (block) | Builder / Admin |
/farwand | Wand at a distance tool | Builder / Admin |
//fill (block) (radius) [depth] | Fill till walls with (blocks) and for (range). If inserted also [depth} (down) | Builder / Admin |
//fixlava (range) | Flatten all lava in (range) | Builder / Admin |
//fixwater (range) | Flatten all water in (range) | Builder / Admin |
//flip [direction] | Flip the content of the clipboard | Builder / Admin |
//forest (type) | Make a forest within the region, default is oak | Builder / Admin |
/forestgen (range) (type) | Generate a forest with the [type] | Builder / Admin |
//green (range) | Green the area for (range) | Builder / Admin |
//hcyl (block) (range) [hight] | Create a hallow cylinder with (block) and (range), [hight] | Builder / Admin |
//hollow | Hollows out the object contained in this selection | Builder / Admin |
//hpos1 | Set position 1 to targeted block | Builder / Admin |
//hpos2 | Set position 2 to targeted block | Builder / Admin |
//hpyramid (block) (range) | Create a hallow pyramid with (block) and (range) | Builder / Admin |
//hsphere (block) (range) | Create a hallow sphere with (block) and (range) | Builder / Admin |
/jump, /jumpto | Jump to the block you are looking at | Builder / Admin |
//load | Load a schematic into your clipboard | Builder / Admin |
//mask | Set the brush mask | Builder / Admin |
//mat, //material | Set the brush material | Builder / Admin |
//move (range) | Move the selected area by (range) | Builder / Admin |
//naturlize | Set 3 blocks of grass on top off al blocks in your selection | Builder / Admin |
//none | Remove a bound tool from your current item | Builder / Admin |
//outset (radius) | Expand selected area by (radius) in all directions | Builder / Admin |
//overlay (block) | Put (block) on top of your selection | Builder / Admin |
//paste | paste the clipboard's contents | Builder / Admin |
//pos1 | Set position 1 to your current location | Builder / Admin |
//pos2 | Set position 2 to your current location | Builder / Admin |
//pumpkins | Generate pumpkin patches | Builder / Admin |
//pyramid (block) (radius) | Generate a pyramid with (block) and (range) | Builder / Admin |
//range (radius) | Set your brush's radius | Builder / Admin |
//redo (times) [player] | Redo your last action | Builder / Admin |
//regen | Regenerate the content of the selection | Builder / Admin |
//removeabove | Remove all blocks above you | Builder / Admin |
//removebelow | Remove all blocks below you | Builder / Admin |
//removenear (block) [radius] | Remove (block) near you for [radius], if radius is not inserted, default is 50 | Builder / Admin |
//repl (block) | Block replacer tool | Builder / Admin |
//replace (block) [to-block] | Replace all blocks in the selection | Builder / Admin |
//replacenear (radius) (from-block) (to-block) | Replace (from-block) to (to-block) in (radius) | Builder / Admin |
//rotate (degrees) | Rotate the clipboard by (degrees) (clockwise) | Builder / Admin |
//save | Save a schematic from your clipboard | Builder / Admin |
//schematic | Schematic command fro saving/loading areas | Builder / Admin |
//sel (type) | Select your region selector | Builder / Admin |
//set (block) | Set all blocks within selection | Builder / Admin |
//size (radius) | Set the brush size | Builder / Admin |
//smooth (radius) | Smooth the elevation in the selection | Builder / Admin |
//snow (radius) | Simulate snow in (radius) | Builder / Admin |
//sphere (block) (radius) | Generate a filled sphere with (block) for (radius) | Builder / Admin |
//stack (amount) [direction] | Repeat the content of the selection for (amount) times | Builder / Admin |
//thaw | Make snow disapear on top of your selection | Builder / Admin |
//thru | Pass through walls | Builder / Admin |
/toggleeditwand | Toggle worldedit wand | Builder / Admin |
//tool (tool) | Bind functions to held item | Builder / Admin |
//tree (type) | Tree generator tool | Builder / Admin |
//undo (amount) | Undo the last action (amount) times | Builder / Admin |
//unstuck | Escape from being stuck in a block | Builder / Admin |
//up (amount) | Go up (amount) times, place a glass block under you | Builder / Admin |
//walls (block) | Build the four sides of the selection | Builder / Admin |
//wand | Get the wand object | Builder / Admin |
###World Edit Woodtype (top)
- oak (Oak Wood)
- redwood (Spruce Wood)
- birch (Birch Wood)
- jungle (Jungle Wood)
- darkoak (Dark Oak Wood)
- acacia (Acacia Wood)
- red_mushroom (Red Mushroom)
- brown_mushroom (Brown Mushroom)
###World Edit Selection Type (top)
- cuboid (Select two corners of a cuboid)
- extend (Fast cuboid selection mode)
- poly (Select a 2D polygon with height)
- ellipsoid (Select an ellipsoid)
- sphere (Select a sphere)
- cyl (Select a cylinder)
- convex (Select a convex polyhedral)
###World Edit Tool Type (top)
- cycler (Block data cycler tool)
- deltree (Floating tree remover tool)
- farwand (Wand at a distance tool)
- floodfill (Flood fill tool)
- info (Block information tool)
- lrbuild (Long-range building tool)
- none (Unbind a bound tool from your current item)
- repl (Block replacer tool)
- tree (Tree generator tool)