User Stories - PaulL48/SOEN341-SC4 GitHub Wiki

Index of User Stories

Sprint 1

User Story 1: Framework works
User Story 2: User registration
User Story 3: User login

Sprint 2

User Story 4: Create a question
User Story 5: Viewing questions
User Story 6: Answering a question
User Story 7: Voting on questions and answers
User Story 8: Accepting an answer

Sprint 3

User Story 9: Suggest a rewording of a question

Sprint 4

User Story 10: Filter questions by title on homepage

Sprint 1

User Story 1: Framework works

I want to see a generic home page for a website

Story Properties

Priority: High
Risk: Medium
Story Points: 3



User Story 2: User registration

When on the website, I want to be able to create a profile for myself that uses a password.

Story Properties

Priority: High
Risk: Medium
Story Points: 6



User Story 3: User login

When on the website and after I've created a profile, I want to be able to log in to the profile and browse the website as a logged in user.

Story Properties

Priority: High
Risk: Medium
Story Points: 3



Sprint 2

User Story 4: Create a question

Users that are registered on the website should be able to login and type up a question that they can't figure out. They can submit the question, then other users can see it so they can think of an answer.

Story Properties

Priority: High
Risk: Low
Story Points: 3



User Story 5: Viewing questions

When you go to the website, the front page should have a list of the most recent questions and when the title of one of the questions is clicked, we should see a page with the body of the question.

Story Properties

Priority: High
Risk: Medium
Story Points: 3



User Story 6: Answering a question

Users that are registered on the website should be able to submit an answer to a question. When they go to the home page, they can click on one of the questions and a box will be there to submit an answer to it below the body of the question.

Story Properties

Priority: High
Risk: Low
Story Points: 3



User Story 7: Voting on questions and answers

Users that are registered on the website should be able to input whether they think the question is a good question or a bad question, or a good answer or bad answer by a simply voting system. Next to each question and answer maybe there could be some buttons which would be for up or down voting that particular thing.

Story Properties

Priority: High
Risk: Low
Story Points: 3



User Story 8: Accepting an answer

Users that have posted questions on the site should be able to view answers to their questions and decide which answer best helped them. Once they decided, the accepted answer would be able to be seen by all users that visit that questions.

Story Properties

Priority: High
Risk: Low
Story Points: 3



Sprint 3

User Story 9: Suggest a Rewording of a question

Users could ask a question using a bad wording or in an odd way, so there should be a way for a user to suggest a rewording. Only the user who asked the question could see the suggestion and two buttons to accept or decline

Story Properties

Priority: High
Risk: Medium
Story Points: 3



Sprint 4

User Story 10: Filter questions by title on homepage


Story Properties

Story Points:



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