MVP List - PaulG21/Netflix-Clone GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the NextFlix wiki!

Nextflix, a Netflix clone, is a streaming app that gives you access to the latest and greatest movies from the comfort of your home with a simple click of a button.

1. Hosting on Heroku (07/27/20)

2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login(07/29/20 2 days)
• Allow user to sign up, sign in, are use demo account.
• Demo user has limited access (can’t create a My List).
• Demo user can log out or sign up.
• Signed in users can only sign out.

3. Display Movies (08/02/20 4 days)
• Only demo/logged in users can see movie list.
• Playback movie when clicked.
• Limited playback (trailer) runs when pointer hovers over movie icon.
• Display movie description when “arrow” button is clicked.

4. Genres (08/04/20 2 days )
• Display movies based on genres on user/demo account.
• Movies have the ability to be in multiple genres.
• User can display movie list within genre, based on user selection (genre clicked).

5. Search (08/07/20 3 days)
• Display possible movie titles user is searching for, add minor delay before rendering list.
• Display related genre links based on movie searched by user.

6. My List (CRUD) (08/08/20 1 day)
• User can add movies by clicking “+” button, only when movie does not yet exit in “My list”
• User can remove movie by clicking “-“ button, only when movie exist in “My list”

7. Production README (08/09/20 1 day)

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