Create proposal for first iteration - Paul-Schliep/Machine-shop-simulator GitHub Wiki
Fork the project
First, one member of your group should fork this project and then add the other person (or people) as collaborators so they can contribute the project.
Copy over issues you want to work on in this (2 week) iteration
I'm pretty sure issues don't come across when you fork projects, so you'll want to look at the full issues list that we worked up in class and identify a few key issues that you plan to work on in this first iteration (2 weeks, ending on 30 Jan). Don't just pick all low priority ones; anyone can change names (especially with the Eclipse refactoring tools) and we want to work on some of the more interesting issues.
The write-ups on most of those issues are arguably way too brief to be super useful as "real" "bug reports". This is understandable given the limited time groups had to find/write up those initial proposals, but one of your tasks this week would be to improve the write-ups when you re-create them in your fork.
You're also welcome to add issues that aren't on the original project's issue list, so feel free to add cool ideas that you've thought of since then.
Write your first iteration proposal
Create a wiki page in your group's fork where you write up your proposal for your first refactoring iteration.
I'm not sure what gets copied when you fork a project, but if we get really lucky it will copy all the wiki pages as well, in which case you should already have a template page for the project in Machine Shop First Iteration Proposal.
Use that page to provide a prioritized list of a few issues/refactorings you're going to start on. Don't make it too long (no point in including a bunch of stuff you know you'll never get to), but feel free to add a few "maybe" items that you'll work on if you get through your first items more quickly than you expected.
Proposal due date
I meant to have this proposal due today (Fri, 17 Jan), but didn't get it posted in time for that. Given that we have Monday off, let's say this is due Tuesday (20 Jan) at 10pm, but I would encourage you to get it done over the weekend if it makes sense for your group to do that.
Now refactor!
Now that you have a plan, get going! You have two weeks to try to see how much you can clean up in this steaming pile of ickyness. We'll use at least part of Thursday (22 Jan) with groups showing what they've done so far and asking/answering questions.