Downloading and Running Simian - Paul-Schliep/CraftBukkit GitHub Wiki

Installing Simian

Go to this site:

Download this tarball file: simian-2.3.35.tar.gz

Create a folder in your home directory named "Simian"

Move simian-2.3.35.tar.gz into the "Simian" directory

Extract the files from simian-2.3.35.tar.gz into the "Simian" directory

Running Simian

In the terminal, go into the directory for the project you want to run through Simian

Run the command: java -jar ~/Simian/simian-2.3.35/bin/simian-2.3.35.jar [options] [files]

For example: java -jar ~/Simian/simian-2.3.35/bin/simian-2.3.35.jar "**/*.groovy" Will generate a Simian report for all the .groovy files in the project.

There are a few other examples on the page: