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What must you know

ssh connection before script runing (and after if no securing ssh)

Your web host gives you an IP, a user and a password
user: root
password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

To connect from your local PC under linux -> server
ssh [email protected]
under windows
Use PuTTY many tutorials available

Second ssh connection during script execution

  • Under linux you can use a pseudo allocation tty
    ssh -t [email protected] mc
    Under Windows, probably with PuTTY ... (I have not put my hands in windows for 20 (25?) years and I men wear very well!)
  • Or run a new connection with
    ssh [email protected]
    and run Midnight Commander (mc) after its installation by the script (first installation at the beginning of the script).
  • With this utility you can, in case of problem, navigate and enter commands (CTRL-o) on a second console without leaving the script. Choose nano as editor.

Ssh connection after script execution if ssh secure

If you have enabled this option, for security, root is prohibited from ssh connecting and therefore sftp and the standard port is replaced by a random port, or designated by you, in the range 20000-65535.
This change is effective at the very end of the script.

Under linux the connection is made by
ssh -p<port indiqué> <utilisateur>@<IP>
Under windows configure PuTTY

If you have kept the default port:
ssh <utilisateur>@<IP>

sftp connection after script execution

In this case, the sftp connection will be

Host: IP
Port: port
Protocol: SFTP-SSH File Transfer Protocol
Authentication: normal
Login: user/root According to ssh secure or not
Password: user/root password

Can I restart the script?

Why restart the script, there would have been errors during its execution?
Without joking, in principle script re-runing does not have any untoward consequences apart from some error messages like "file already existing" ... I have not tested this case in every way, here is the truth, and the script is not barded of test to check if each action has already been executed and how.

If you really have a big problem post in issues and wait a bit and / or start over zero on a clean server. You can also put your hands in the sludge and propose a pull request ...
Attention is a hard drug, once we started we can't stop.