Small Multiples Page - PatientCenteredCare/Project GitHub Wiki

Edits as of 4-20

#####My intent Overall intent is to have an interactive feature where you can click on a bar inside one of the measures SVG and the 4 quarter data for that city would appear along with the xaxis representing time at the top. #####Complete 1 Add a second x axis at the top, which would let us represent time. That is working, although I would like the path to be minimized.

2 Add circles indicating the values for that quarter, colored according to the city. Originally had 5px, too big; switched to 2 px, too small but good enough for now. Circles change to grey and also have tooltip. Done.

3 PtSat automatically has a y max of 300. Done. #####Incomplete 1 Create line between circles so as to show trend over time. Not working yet.

  • Looks like we need to create a way to iterate over the cities.

  • Tried looking at re-nesting luck. Don't think this is the right way.

2 Created a class of hidden with goal to use classed function to hide/unhide based on click. Not working yet.

#####Other ideas

  • Auto create the y axis title. Thinking we could have that in the json file for each line (data point) and then point it to the first value ie d.measuremeans[0]
  • Add more measures. It shouldn't be any harder to add more measures now other than actually getting the data. This would be pretty cool.