Utils - PathwayAnalysisPlatform/PathwayMatcher GitHub Wiki


Receives a file with several columns and writes one of the columns to another file.


java -cp target/PathwayMatcher-1.0/PathwayMatcher-1.0.jar no.uib.pathwaymatcher.tools.ColumnExtractor -i ../ERC/zBMI3-autosome.result [other options] [-pvc 18 -pvt 0.005]

Command line parameters

Parameter names Required Default value Description
-i,--input Yes (empty) File to parse
-o,--output No "./output.csv" Output file path and name
-c,--column No 1 Index of the desired column. Count starting with 0,1,2...
-s,--separator No " " The string used as field separator. For example: space, tab, coma
-p,--pattern No "^rs\d*" The regular expression pattern that the rows must follow
-pvc,--pValueColumn No 18 p-value column index
-pvt,--pValueThreshold No 0.005 p-value threshold. Only rows with this value or more will be sent to the output

In case no pvc and pvt are provided, all the rows are considered.