TestRunner - PathogenDavid/Periodic GitHub Wiki

TestRunner is a supporting tool for our custom Testing Framework. It is responsible for making it easier to run Sifteo test applications, as well as by filtering its output (to eliminate Siftulator debug spam) and emitting a final test verdict in a more readable fasion.


It is unlikely you'll need to invoke TestRunner directly since it will be launched automatically by Visual Studio. However, here is the usage should you need to invoke manually:

Basic usage: TestRunner testbin.elf where testbin.elf is the Sifteo test application.

Command line switches


Explicitly sets the Sifteo SDK directory. If this isn't given, we will try to determine it from the SDK_DIR environment variable.


Allows explicitly specifying the Siftulator application path, releative to the SDK directory. By default, 'bin/siftulator.exe' is used.

--testbin <testBinary.elf>

An alternative means for specifying the test binary more explicitly.

Internal Operation

The TestRunnerConfig is responsible for parsing and evaluating command line arguments and environment configuration. All of the test execution and verification happens in Program. It is worth noting that the tool is required to create temporary files for redirecting test output, because the Siftulator will not output to the standard output given to it.

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