Keyboard & Mouse Shortcuts - PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding GitHub Wiki


General Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Ctrl+1 Go to tree tab
Ctrl+2 Go to skills tab
Ctrl+3 Go to items tab
Ctrl+4 Go to calcs tab
Ctrl+5 Go to configuration tab
Ctrl+6 Go to notes tab
Ctrl+I import/export build tab
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+C Copy (selected text, item, socket group, etc.)
Ctrl+F Show find/search box (e.g. unique item / tree)
Ctrl+M Manage trees (tree tab)
Ctrl+N New build (build selection menu)
Ctrl+S Save build to file
Ctrl+U Check for update
Ctrl+V or RMB Paste (copied text, item, socket group, etc.) (RMB in notes tab only)
Ctrl+W or Mouse4 Close build (shows save prompt if unsaved)
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+BSP/DEL Delete text faster (notes tab)
Ctrl+ +/-/0 Zoom in / out / reset (notes tab)
F1 Open item/gem/etc. in, or if nothing to open, show help
F2 Rename (item, set, etc.)
E Edit item (items tab, on an equipped item)
Ctrl+LMB Toggle socket group (skills tab) / Add item to first weapon slot (items tab create/add)
Ctrl+Shift+LMB Add item to second weapon slot (items tab create/add)
Ctrl+RMB Toggle Full DPS for socket group (skills tab)
Shift+RMB Set Active socket group (skills tab)
Mouse4, Mouse5 Undo/Redo path respectively (build selection menu)
Shift+MWheel↓↑ Mouse-wheel scroll faster (jump to next/prev section in Help and Version History)
Ctrl+MWheel↓↑ Mouse-wheel scroll slower

Passive Tree Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Ctrl (hold) Suppress tooltips
P Toggle node power
Ctrl+D Toggle stat diff display
PgDn, PgUp or MWheel↓↑ Zoom in, out (hold Shift to increase amount of zoom)
Ctrl+LMB Zoom in on mouse cursor position
Shift (hold) "Path trace mode" (shows min nodes needed to path to mouse-overed node)

Developer Use

General Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Ctrl+` Toggle console (console supports most standard editing shortcuts)
Pause Toggle profiling

Developer Mode Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Ctrl (hold) Rebuild mod cache (during start/restart)
Ctrl+Shift Allow tree download
Alt Show advanced mod breakdown/parsing
F5 Restart PoB
F6 Run garbage collector
Shift (hold) Copy export xml to clipboard (during export)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️