Offline version of Generic Engines Web - PatPL/Generic-Engines-Web GitHub Wiki
Running this website locally from a hard drive could speed up loading times, and save bandwidth if you have slow connection. Not only the page itself loads almost instantly, fetching all required files for exporting is much faster as well. Other than that, downloading offline version of Generic Engines Web will let you access the app without internet connection.
There are some downsides to using the offline version though. For example, you will have to track the updates yourself, and manually redownload the website after every update.
Navigate to the Generic Engines Web repository. Make sure you're on the 'master' branch. Click on 'Clone or download' and select 'Download ZIP'.
Unpack the downloaded zip file anywhere on your device.
To correctly work, Generic Engines Web's files need to be served to the browser by a web server. That's because some browsers' security measures block various features, when a website is accessed directly from a file (For example, asynchronous file fetching, required for exporting and themes, doesn't work with Chrome and Opera, and only works with Firefox after some tweaks in config)
Any web server like Apache will work here, but in this guide I'll use my own simple webserver made for GE, EZ6U. Get the latest version here. Make sure to download the correct version (Windows64/32 / Linux / Mac). Move the downloaded file to the Generic Engines Web directory.
Run EZ6U. It should start a command line, and open your default browser. Don't close the command line until you want to stop using GE; it needs to keep running in order to serve files for unloaded pictures, themes, or files needed to export the engines.