Intro - PatHawkins95/MCOMD2BRP2021 GitHub Wiki

In order for this project to work as intended. I will need to use multiple data streams in the manor of StreamReader and StreamWrite. This is because this project requires the ability to be able to read specific elements of data as well as adding them. I added multiple buttons to this project as I needed the ability to call multiple functions off of just the one page. This includes things such as loading recipe data, loading the following recipes, opening up a new form for nutrition data as well as saving new recipes to the recipe txt document.

The main input i have chosen for this project was individual text boxs with labels to give the user a clear method of inputting their data in a quick efficient manor.Everything is clearly labelled and i have tried to limit the amount of data that the user can enter so they do not break any of the other functions. My initial though was to place all of the recipes into one combobox so that the user was able to have the option of what recipe they wanted to pick without it being completely random. However i was limited by visual studio being a 32bit programme and thus being limited to just 2gb of ram with normal settings. This meant that load in times were far too long to load that many recipes into the combobox. I ran into some trouble trying to split the different elements out of the recipe folder as well as the special characters dividing them up were not always the same.

This meant i had to use a couple different splits in order to gain access to the individual elements required to carry out the task. I was also unable to get the nutrition window to appear in a suitable position on the form so that it did not cover up any of the data being output.