Stanford CoreNLP Installation - Pastafarians/linguine GitHub Wiki

NOTE: Please see this page for Linguine's current version.

Stanford CoreNLP

Stanford CoreNLP Pywrapper is a project that encapsulates Stanford CoreNLP's API and interfaces with it using a Python client, calling directly to the Java API functions. Java 8 is required for full functionality.

  1. Clone the repository here.
  2. cd into the cloned project directory
  3. execute pip install --upgrade . This will install the pip package in the current working directory, .

Making Changes to Stanford CoreNLP Pywrapper

In order to rebuild the Java source, there is a helpful script included at the root of the pywrapper project. Once this is executed a new jarfile will be built that is included when pip install is executed on the user's machine.

  1. cd into the cloned project directory that contains your changes
  2. run the script (Java 8 JDK required!)
  3. execute pip install --upgrade .

In order to go through the entire analysis workflow, you must have these three components installed.

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