Local Project Setup - Pastafarians/linguine GitHub Wiki

NOTE: Please see this page for Linguine's current version.

Linguine should work on all Unix/Linux environments, but production environments have only been tested on Linux environments. The Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP is not compatible with Windows environments, which prevents operations that require CoreNLP from completing if deployed on Windows systems..

Installing Linguine-Node

Refer to the documentation provided by the [linguine-node] (https://github.com/Pastafarians/linguine-node/blob/master/README.md) project under the pastafarians organization.

Installing Linguine-Python

Same as the node client, make sure to refer to the linguine-python documentation for installation instructions.

Installing MongoDB

A MongoDB client must be running on the default port for the linguine-node service to successfully start up. Please refer to the most up to date documentation on installing and running a MongoDB instance for your distribution.

Install Stanford CoreNLP Pywrapper

Instructions to install and update the pywrapper if you have made changes to it are found here.

Running locally post installation

  1. mongod --dbpath [desired_db_path] where desired_db_path is a path on the local filesystem
  2. cd linguine-node && npm start
  3. cd linguine-python && python -m linguine.webserver

All logging is done on standard system output. For deployment instructions to a prod server, take a look at the deployment page.

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