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The need for this arose when I wanted to display jQuery pages the same way as iOS deals with views. Views accept swipes, you can peak over to the next page, you can swipe faster and animations will run faster. If you swipe too slow it will bounce back. (To get a feel of this, you can play with your iOS home screen with all the tile pages.)
jQuery does support primitive swipes, swipe left and swipe right. However, it simply reads a swipe on the page, it does not give the user a sense of 'I have pushed the page that is why it moved', there is a delay between swipe and transition. This is where the idea was born, why can't pages be as interactive as the iOS home screen?
If you have read this far I might as well give you what I have done so far.
We are grabbing distance travelled, we are grabbing velocity. And you can 'drag' pages, they respond to 'touch hold move release'. The difficulty now is supporting animations from where the user leaves off. I have a general idea of how to go about it, but it is still a prototype.
If you want to contribute feel free, open issues and post!
Update Jun/11/12 400 transitions have been added to animations.css. While the library works now, there is a delay between when the user releases the page and changePage takes control/applying the css. To fix this, we will need to animate the pages all manually, when the user lets go of the page, changePage will take place applying a minimal opacity 1 to 1 transition.