Resources - PasDeChocolat/PNMProcessingWorkshop GitHub Wiki
Additional things you might like to know.
Learning & Community
- Processing Website
- Processing Reference
- Processing Reference - Local (Mac Default) - Your Processing install comes with documentation already installed (no Internet required).
- Processing Tutorials - Look at the Basics and Topics links too.
- Processing Exhibition - Profession-Grade Examples
- Processing Forum
- Processing Wiki
- OpenProcessing - Code sharing
- Official Book List
- Learning Processing - By Daniel Shiffman: a book, which is free online.
- Nature of Code - By Daniel Shiffman: a book, which is free online (see also videos).
- Getting Started with Processing - By Casey Reas & Ben Fry
- Nature of Code - Videos - By Daniel Shiffman: video lectures which complement the book (see above).
- Creative Coding Documentary - First episode is on Processing
Online Learning
Processing in the Browser
- Teaching with Sketchpad
- Live Coding
- Processing JS - All your Processing via Javascript (in the browser)
- Ben Fry - One of the initiators of the Processing project.
- Nicholas Felton - A professional using Processing for his work.
- Creative Applications - Not strictly Processing, but intersecting it frequently.
- Processing.Android - Somewhat old but interesting mobile Processing stuff.
- Eyeo Festival - Not strictly a Processing event, but much inspiring overlap.
- Program of Be Programmed - By Douglas Rushkoff, asks and answers, "Why learn to program?"
- What is Computer Science? - Introduction to the SIPC lectures.
- Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again. - Steve Jobs (short version)
- Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again. - Steve Jobs (long version)
Somewhat Advanced Miscellany
- Processing on GitHub - It's open source, and all there.
- Ruby-Processing - Getting Started
- Kinect with Processing
- Kinect-Ruby-Processing
- Quil - Processing in Clojure.
- Bifocals - A Kinect library for Quil.