Quest Giving NPC's - Parzivail-Modding-Team/ParziStarWarsMod GitHub Wiki

#Quest Giving NPC's#

You cannot have an NPC re-tell you an assignment so pay close attention

If you have no Quest Log, NPC's will not talk to you

If you have no completed your most recent assignment, but return to talk to the NPC, they will not talk to you.

*For maps with reference on where certain (not all) NPC's are, see the Structures page.

There is 1 Recruiter, and 4 Standard Quest-Givers in both the Rebel and Imperial Questlines. Both Recruiters are found in Mos Eisley and the other Standard Quest Givers are in their respective bases. The Recruiter will give you the Hyperdrive to go to the main base of that faction, from there the questing is fairly straightforward.

There is 1 recruiter for the Jedi Questline (who is found on Tatooine in the same place on every world) and then from there there is a single Jedi Quest-Giver (on Dagobah) and a single Sith Quest-Giver (Mos Eisley).