Blasters - Parzivail-Modding-Team/ParziStarWarsMod GitHub Wiki
Most Blasters are faction specific, but some are drops, see the lists below for more information.
Some of the "Civilian Blasters" are also purchase-able from Quartermasters.
Blasters are fired using Right-Click when in your hand. They cannot be fired unless you have Powerpacks in your inventory. Each Powerpack gives you 10 shots and your blaster will need to cooldown if 15 shots are fired quickly. Powerpacks can be bought from Merchants in Mos Eisley, or from the 2 faction's respective Quartermasters.
Each increasing tier of blaster has more damage. Blaster Pistols have the least amount, Blaster Rifles have the standard amount, and Heavy Blaster Rifles have the most.
Rebel Blasters:
A-280C: The standard issue Blaster Rifle of The Rebels.
DL-21: A Blaster Pistol used mostly in cold weather environments.
Defender: A sporting Blaster Pistol praised for its accuracy.
Imperial Blasters:
E-11: The standard issue Blaster Rifle of The Empire.
Scout Pistol: A small, compact Blaster Pistol preferred by Scout Troopers for its portability.
DLT-19: The standard issue Heavy Blaster Rifle of The Empire.
T-21: A repeating Heavy Blaster Rifle favored for its accuracy.
RT-97C: A Heavy Blaster Rifle made to be more portable than its counterparts.
Civilian Blasters:
EE-3: A modified Blaster Rifle favored by Bounty Hunters.
DH-17: An easy to use and efficient Blaster Pistol favored by ship crews.
DL-18: A Blaster Pistol which sees wide use across the galaxy, especially with smugglers.
Jawa Blasters (bought from Jawas):
Ionization Rifle: A custom Jawa Blaster Rifle made to fit their small size.
Tusken Raider Blasters (Dropped by Tusken Raiders, can not be bought):
Tusken Cycler: A long Blaster Rifle used by the Tuskens to keep distance between themselves and their prey.
Wookiee Blasters (Dropped by Wookiees, can not be bought):
Bowcaster: A custom Blaster Rifle made by the Wookiees as protection against Kashyyyk's predators.