LaunchFiles - PartnerRobotChallengeVirtual/interactive-cleanup-ros GitHub Wiki
Launch Files
In the sample program the HSR grasps the space on the right regardless of the task.
After that the robot moves to the back, opens the gripper, and the task ends.
$ roslaunch interactive_cleanup sample.launch
ROS Node List
The launch file include following ROS nodes.
- rosbridge_server
- sigverse_ros_bridge
- interactive_cleanup_sample
You can change port numbers by modifying the launch file.
Participants can control and move the robot with a keyboard by starting this tool instead of the robot controller.
$ roslaunch interactive_cleanup teleop_key.launch
ROS Node List
The launch file include following ROS nodes.
- rosbridge_server
- sigverse_ros_bridge
- teleop_key_interactive_cleanup
You can change port numbers by modifying the launch file.
How to Operate
Refer to the console message for the operation.
Start teleop_key_with_rviz.launch to boot other programs such as rviz simultaneously.
$ roslaunch interactive_cleanup teleop_key_with_rviz.launch
ROS Node List
The launch file include following ROS nodes.
- rosbridge_server
- sigverse_ros_bridge
- teleop_key_interactive_cleanup
- rviz
You can change port numbers by modifying the launch file.